Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Women’s Adventure Magazine Story!!!

Exciting news!  A couple of weeks ago, I found out that Mountain Mama (my new sponsor) would be collaborating with Women’s Adventure Magazine.  Teresa, the founder of Mountain Mama, suggested to me that I submit my “story” to the magazine for consideration.  So a couple of Saturdays ago (the day before Canaan was born) I wrote something out and sent it in.  And a couple of days ago I got a response from the magazine saying that they would like to use my story on their website, and are considering it for print!  The specific link for my story is here, feel free to check it out and make a comment if ya want!

Also, in case you haven’t heard, my son Canaan now has his own blog – it will mostly be filled with day to day updates and pictures of Canaan’s latest adventures.  I will definitely still be posting here as well, but if you want Canaan’s latest scoop, be sure to check his blog out!


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN