Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Review: The Peekaru Fleece Baby Carrier Cover

I don’t make it a habit of “categorizing” people…I think there’s a thin line between stereotypes and prejudice.  But, that being said, I suppose if you had to categorize our family, we’d be pitching our tent in the attachment parenting camp more often than not.  We are still breastfeeding (without plans to stop any time soon), we cloth diaper, we spend our early morning hours co-sleeping, and Steve and I both are proud babywearers.  For those of you that aren’t familiar with babywearing, its just like it sounds – carrying a baby or toddler in a cloth carrier.  Babywearing allows parents or other caregivers to keep their little one snuggly and safe while also taking care of everyday tasks.  The benefits are undeniable – not only is it convenient and helpful for mom and dad, but its also healthy for baby’s physical and mental development.

We had a White Christmas for our first test run of the Peekaru!

Now that Cragbaby is walking (hard to believe a year ago at this time he wasn’t even here yet!!!) we don’t wear him near as much as we used to, but at least once or twice a day I strap him in so I can go for a walk, do some grocery shopping, or get some stuff done around the house.  Cragbaby’s favorite time to be worn is on a neighborhood stroll to settle down before his morning nap.  Once the weather turned cold, however, I realized that our morning walks were becoming quite the hassle – not only was it annoying putting on all of those clothes (for both of us) just for a 30 minute walk, but it also meant that the sweet, mellow (and sometimes sleeping) Cragbaby would have to be stripped of those same layers as soon as we went inside.  That’s why we put the Peekaru Fleece on our Christmas list this past year!  It’s a fleece vest that fits over both mommy and baby to keep everyone warm and snuggly!

Ready for a walk around the lake!

Here’s the PROS:

  • Versatile Fit– This vest can be used with pretty much any carrier – Baby Bjorns, Hotslings, Ergos, Mei Tais, and Wraps.  Our favorite carrier by far is the Ergo, so that’s the only one I’ve tested it with so far, but the fit was perfect, and both head holes were comfortable and felt like they were aligned in the correct spot, both when wearing Cragbaby on the front as well as the back.
  • Eco-friendly – The material is made from 85% recycled Polartec fleece (saving approximately 25 plastic bottles from reaching the landfill, according to their website).  The Polartec fleece is also Oeko-tex Standard 100 for textile products of all types which pose no risk whatsoever to health.
  • Smart Design – There are pleated seams along the side that will stretch as baby grows, and the side zipper makes for easy on and off no matter if you’re wearing baby on the front or the back.  There is also a small pocket on the side that’s just the right size for keys and a cell phone.

Here’s the CONS:

  • Sizing – The great thing about most carriers is that they are one size fits most…but the Peekaru is sized S,M,L, etc so there’s no way Steve and I could share a vest.
  • Length – Although Cragbaby still has some room to grow inside the vest, he is on the short end of the height spectrum.  If you had an older baby on the taller side, he or she might have some cold toes hanging out the bottom!

Mommy and Daddy enjoy a quiet walk while Cragbaby enjoys a peaceful snooze!

The Peekaru is perfect as an extra layer to throw on as you’re headed out the door.  Its comfortable, functional, stylish – and your baby will look absolutely adorable peeping out the head hole!  Every time I wear it I get stopped at least once from folks asking where I got my Peekaru vest!  I really like how I can layer an additional coat over myself if I need it, but can stick with just a vest for cool (but not cold) weather.  Its also pretty compatible with a small day pack.  Initially I thought that I wouldn’t be able to use the Ergo sleep hood with it, but it fits through the hole just fine, and C was off to dreamland within 15 minutes!  I give the Peekaru two thumbs up – for making it both convenient and fun to head outside with your little one on even the coldest of days!


5 Responses to “Review: The Peekaru Fleece Baby Carrier Cover”

  1. Kathy Southern

    I love this! And what a terrific product! I’m going to remember this as a gift item, that’s for SURE! And by the way- the pictures are GREAT!
    (They should use you guys in an ad!)


  2. Melissa

    Love this! Wes and I just registered for it! If you have any other suggestions for outdoor baby must haves, you’ll have to let us know! (and I love your blog, by the way!)


  3. Thanks Melissa! I’m glad you registered for it – I think you’ll be really happy with it! Congrats on your pregnancy


  4. TogetherBe

    Thanks Erica! What a great review. Your blog is fantastic, you seem to live an amazing life!


  5. Thanks for sharing this. I have never seen this carrier before. Ill be sure to add it to my list of baby carrying options. Love that its fleece, blends in with an outfit more than a traditional backpack carrier.


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN