Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Skedaddle Kids “Adventuring Moms” Blog Series…

A few weeks ago Lia Keller from Skedaddle (based out of Alaska) contacted me about participating in their new blog series on Adventuring Moms.  She provided me with a list of questions relating to connecting kids to the outdoors.  Since this is something I’m very passionate about, I of course didn’t hesitate to jump right in.

I’ve since been following the Skedaddle blog, and I must say that these Alaskan women sure are tough!  They aren’t afraid to take their little tykes on all sorts of fun excursions, despite all the snow, ice, and cold!  There are all sorts of pictures posted from different playgroups, and it is very apparent that these kids are having a blast!   They are completely clueless that most folks around here barricade themselves indoors once the mercury starts approaching 30 degrees…which must feel like T-shirt weather to our Alaskan counterparts!

Of course its hard to have fun in the cold without the right gear – another thing I like about Skedaddle is that there are lots of reviews for gear that is “Alaskan Mom Approved.”  And I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that if its good enough to keep them warm, its definitely good for us down here in North Cackalacky…So the next time you complain about being able to see your breath on the way to take the garbage out to the road, turn around, put on some cold weather gear, and head right back outside for some winter season outdoor fun!  Oh yeah, and bring a friend with you too!

And if you’re interested in reading my “interview” over on Skedaddle, click here!  I’m honored to be considered in the company as so many strong and inspiring women – especially since its not from doing anything outrageously cool – I’m just hanging out with my family doing the things we love!


4 Responses to “Skedaddle Kids “Adventuring Moms” Blog Series…”

  1. Nicole

    I love reading your blogs and I am so happy and so proud of you for having the Adventuring Moms recognizing you as a “Wild Child” 🙂


  2. I figure you can always put more clothes on the kids, but I have no clue what to do when warm weather hits!!


  3. Christie

    why not…you are just as passionate as they are 🙂


  4. Linda

    Wow! Kudos to you!

    Loved the entry on Skedaddle…You’re a very talented woman Erica, and your intellect and outlook shine no matter what you do.


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN