Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Sentimental Snapshots: Happy Birthday Cragbaby!

So I had another post all written and prepared for this week’s Sentimental Snapshot…but today is Cragbaby’s birthday and it didn’t seem right to have another picture up here on this milestone day!  I can’t thank God enough for the wonderful gift that C has been to us.  It’s hard to wrap my brain around the fact that a year ago at this time Steve and I were heading to the hospital!  For anyone that might be interested in the play by play of that day, you can check out Canaan’s Birth Story here.

Life is simple.


This is one of my favorite pictures taken of Canaan in the hospital.  Not only does it show that Cragbaby was working out crux sequences in his dreams from the time he was born, but it also captures a life lesson that is important for all of us.  This world can be a cruel, dark place.  It’s easy to get bogged down and consumed by the busy-ness, struggles, and frustations of the world around us.  The world can be an overwhelming place at times.  But then there’s my sweet C, basking in utter relaxation in his Daddy’s arms, completely oblivious to the hectic, chaotic world he’s just been catapulted into.  To him, life really is that simple, just like his Daddy’s shirt says.  He feels safe in his Father’s arms, and he is loved more than he’ll ever know – that’s all he knows and that’s enough for him!  My prayer is that during those times when life gets going too fast I’ll be able to stop and remember that I’m a child of God that is loved more than I can possibly imagine – and that even though it isn’t always easy, I don’t need to make it any more complicated that that.


5 Responses to “Sentimental Snapshots: Happy Birthday Cragbaby!”

  1. Very sweet post. I love it! Happy Birthday Canaan!


  2. christie

    very well said, especially the end. great way to start the week. thanks


  3. Vicky

    Happy Birthday to one cute boy!


  4. David

    Wow, 1 already! Wow 🙂


  5. Beth

    Happy Birthday Canaan! Time flies!


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN