Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Sentimental Snapshots: Put Adventure on Your Calendar!

At first glance this picture seems a little cliche – crazy climber parents posing their 3 month old in front of a guidebook! Cute, yes! Inspiring, not so much…But if you look a little deeper, I think this picture can represent something that a lot of adults in our society are missing out on – planned adventure!ย  Let’s face it – most of us lead very scheduled, busy lives. Sometimes there’s just not any time (or energy!) left for anything adventurous. Or, if you do happen upon some free time, you spend the whole time trying to decide what you’re gonna do! Before Cragbaby came along, Steve and I were pretty spontaneous about our adventures. I have distinct memories of stalking the weather at 5 different climbing areas across the Southeast, waiting til Friday around lunchtime to decide where we were headed for the weekend. We’d camp wherever we ended up and let the weekend unfold itself however it may…

Cragbaby reading up on the beta for his next project!


Not so anymore! We’ve had to learn the fine art of “adventure planning,” aka scheduled fun. Whether its lining up climbing partners a few weeks ahead of time, reserving a spot at a family-friendly campground, or even something as simple as organizing your errand runs so that you can swing by a park on the way home, the extra effort taken to plan out our recreation time can make the difference between getting out and being stuck inside! Remember, scheduled fun is still fun!ย  Now its your turn – what do you have penciled in on your “adventure calendar” for this spring?


6 Responses to “Sentimental Snapshots: Put Adventure on Your Calendar!”

  1. Kathy Southern

    I think I;d like to do whatever that sweet baby is planning!


  2. Christie S.

    my adventure calendar for spring is looking forward to climbing with an awesome family and friends as well as WWE in raleigh.


    • Likewise on the climbing with awesome folks, Christie. ๐Ÿ™‚ Not so much on the WWE – don’t wanna give Cragbaby any crazy ideas…

  3. From NR Ambassador Erica: Donโ€™t forget to schedule some adventure in your life – #nature


  4. Love this point! Many of our kid favorites were planned such as plecame kid favorites like crystal hunting in Trona, CA or fossil digging in Wyoming. Now that gas prices are high, we’re planning adventures in our backyard, sometimes literally. These unique experiences rejuvinate everyone! We’re going to start adding our trips and tips on hoping to inspire busy families to connect with nature at home, on the road and in school.


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN