Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

10 Years: What a Long Strange Trip it’s Been…

For the cynical, bitter-hearted among us, lookout – this post is dripping with sappiness! But I figured I’m allowed. Not only did I write a Valentine’s Day post that was anti-cheeseball just a few weeks ago, but today my hubby and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage!!!  I look back and 2002 seems like a lifetime ago.  In some ways it seems like the years have gone by at the speed of light (especially the past 2…), but in other ways it seems like Steve has always been a part of my life.  From playing in the nursery together, to spending a week of every summer up at youth camp together, to being each other’s prom dates 2 years in a row (the first as friends, the second as more than…), our overall theme in life seems to be “together.”  Of course its not always been easy, and sometimes it’s been downright crappy, but no matter what situation we’ve found ourselves in and whether it made us happy, sad, mad (or all three), we’ve always been together.

I cannot be trusted to always do the right thing, I don’t know how to cook, and sometimes I drive his car and forget to fill it up with gas, but for whatever reason, Steve looks past all that and has decided to stick with me for the long haul.  I’m not gonna question it, I’m just gonna go with it.

Here's to our groovy kind of love. 🙂

Last week we celebrated our love by doing what most normal couples do – we permanently scarred our bodies.  It just seemed as though with our active lifestyles, we were never wearing our wedding rings anymore.  And since Steve’s good looks routinely have him fighting off skanks other women left and right, I wanted to make sure everyone knew he belonged to me ;).  It was something we’d been talking about off and on for the past couple of years – what better occasion than a 10 year anniversary and a few weeks forced down time?


22 Responses to “10 Years: What a Long Strange Trip it’s Been…”

  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And many, many more!
    Love you both!


  2. Sweet story! You mean you guys knew each other since you were toddlers?
    The tattoos are an awesome idea! I haven’t worn my wedding band in at least 10 years because my fingers are always changing size, depending on how much I’ve climbed and how swollen they are.
    Congrats on your anniversary! Time goes fast! I started dating my husband 31 years ago (6 months AFTER I started climbing) when I was in college, and we just had our 24th wedding anniversary last week. Although he doesn’t climb, I am blessed that he supports my climbing obsession, doesn’t mind me going on road trips with my friends (sometimes guys), and was willing to watch the kids when I was off climbing because he understood that sometimes a mommy just has to get out and play with her friends to keep her happy.


    • Erica

      Cliffmama – Yes we actually grew up in the same town and went to the same church. We started dating at the start of my senior year in high school. Congrats to you and 24 – that is quite an accomplishment!

    • Erica

      Alyssa – It actually didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, and it was over in 10 minutes or so. It only goes down the sides of our fingers, not on the underneath part b/c apparently it won’t last very long on the skin of your palm. I got a toe ring tattoo back in college and that hurt way worse than this one.

  3. Joe Lineberry

    Great post! And great gifts to each other! We love you!


  4. Congrats! My husband and I just celebrated our 10 year anniversary too. About 9 months ago actually- yep, I got pregnant with #2 on our anniversary trip! It’s such a great accomplishment to make it 10 years these days so congrats again!


  5. Congratulations & here’s to many, many more!


  6. That is awesome! Did the tattoo rings hurt much? We have been thinking of doing that too – since our wedding rings spend more time hooked on our chalk bags then on our fingers… Congrats!


  7. Pamela R.

    Happy Anniversary to a beautiful couple. The world shines a little brighter for having the two of you connected… and bringing C to us!


  8. Deborah Pupo

    Happy Anniversary to you guys! Loved the post and the wedding picture! What a gorgeous wedding and young couple! 🙂 God keeps blessing and strength your beautiful relationship! Happy to know a couple like you and thankful that your love brought C to this world.


  9. Mary W.

    Wow! It’s been 10 years already?? Congratulations! I miss you guys!


  10. Kathryn

    Great post – you are such a great couple – gorgeous inside and out.


  11. Melonie

    Happy Anniversary :)!!! Can’t believe it’s been 10 years!!


  12. Jean

    congrats 🙂 here’s to at LEAST 10 more!


  13. Raven

    Happy Anniversary to both of you!!! I can’t believe it has been 10 years…I still remember it like it was yestersday 🙂


  14. Maro H.

    LOVE that it has been 10 years! Congrats and Blessings!


  15. Happy Anniversary you two!!!


  16. Happy Anniversary!

    (I tie my rings into the laces on my climbing shoes. Probably not the *best* idea…)


  17. Mary B

    Happy Anniversary – and I love your new rings 🙂


  18. Awww… made me tear up a little with happiness! That’s how we also tend to think of you two – together as an entity. Made up of two strong individuals – but an inseparable entity nonetheless. Love your tattoos!


  19. April Mafturak

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And cheers to many many years to come 🙂 I love the tattoos 😀


  20. Wow, congrats. I’ve thought about tattooing my wedding band too. Just found your twitter and blog through Julie, climbs on rocks, after she posted on my recent blog post about having my first child. It’s encouraging to see you are so active, even with a child. So, does your husband tweet and, or blog too? And bye I just followed you on Twitter


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN