Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

A Whirlwind of Local Press

Any active moms out there wanna know the best way to get your soapbox message about healthy outdoor families out there for the world to see?  For starters, you could break your ankle…It did seem rather ironic that the minute I turned into an invalid folks couldn’t wait to talk to me about my active lifestyle!  While part of me felt somewhat hypocritical touting the benefits of family adventures while I was stuck at home on the couch, it at least gave me something to focus on besides feeling sorry for myself.  Here’s a few quick blurbs about some of the latest Cragmama press…

Vertical Times:  For those of you that are members of The Access Fund (and if you’re a climber, you should be!), you probably receive their quarterly news publication in the mail, called Vertical Times.  Anyway, I was contacted a while back by Laura Snider, one of the writers for the magazine.  She interviewed me as well as a few other climbing moms for an article that discussed a topic near and dear to my heart – kids and climbing.  The article was entitled “Kids at the Crag:  The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful.”  For those of you that might be interested in reading the article but missed the mail-out, you can see the digital one online by clicking here

Charlotte Smarty Pants:  On a more local note, I got the opportunity to be featured as a “Smarty Mom” on Charlotte Smarty Pants, an online resource for everything in the Charlotte area having to do with motherhood.  I hadn’t heard of the site before they contacted me, but I’ve actually spent a good deal of time looking browsing the site in recent weeks, and have found a wealth of information that is especially helpful to somewhat like myself who is still a recent Charlotte transplant.  Anyway, my interview with these lovely ladies can be found by clicking here

Here's a sneak peek at the title page in the magazine 🙂

Today’s Charlotte Woman:  However the most exciting (and out of my comfort zone) interview was with Today’s Charlotte Woman magazine.  This magazine is a free publication that focuses on local female happenings.  The magazine has been around for a while, but went on hiatus for a few months when it changed ownership. The April issue is actually the celebratory relaunch of the publication. The theme for this month’s issue is “Women on the Edge.”  I was totally psyched when the editor contacted me about doing a story on  me, and only midly disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to do a climbing photo shoot sans boot in time to make their deadline.  The good news however was that they were perfectly happy using my favorite climbing photographer Manuela Eilert’s photos – hopefully that might bring some attention her way as well!  If you are a Charlotte local, you can pick up a copy at any Harris Teeter, or various other stores throughout the Charlotte Metro area.  If you’re not a local, then a pdf of the article can be found here – Lineberry story.

Thankfully my 6 weeks of boot-leg hell personal growth are over and things are starting to get back to normal around here.  This weekend we’ll be working on getting some footage for a video Trango would like to make about tykes at the crag.  (Yes, that means a Cragbaby Project Round 2!)  This project is still in the opening stages, so stay tuned for more updates on that along the way.  Until then get outside and enjoy the weekend!




5 Responses to “A Whirlwind of Local Press”

  1. Congrats on the magazine articles and the well-deserved exposure! 🙂


  2. Congratulations on all the attention! Great job on continuing to get the word out on staying active with kids! Really enjoyed the interview in the Today’s Charlotte Women magazine – and may I say you look amazing in those profile pictures they took! Love, love, love those! Beautiful, radiant, rockclimbing cragmama, you ROCK!!


    • PS: and thanks for the shout out! Maybe I’ll really become a climbing photographer one day when I grow up;)

  3. Congrats. That’s pretty darn awesome 🙂


  4. Paul "Thor" Pelot

    That is so fantastic, how can I get copies of these publictions? That is such a positive message you are sending to all moms out there, to be outdoors with their kids; they will never forget it. Teaching them to be good stewards to Mother Earth, WOW –it’s conatgious and generational…!!!


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN