Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

An Egg-straordinary Green Hour!

Wow, who knew all the fun that could be had with a dozen hard-boiled eggs, a small blue bucket, and a few packages of food coloring?!?  Since we spent Easter weekend enjoying the perfect weather at the New River Gorge (stay tuned, trip report is on the way…), our family decided to partake in some egg-decorating festivities a few days early.  Of course Cragbaby had no idea what to expect when the Mommy laid out the official egg coloring kit (is PAAS the only company that has ever made that stuff, because I’ve NEVER seen another brand…), but he was enthusiastic all the same.  We managed to make it through the dye-ing process with only one big mess involving a cup of dark blue dye. 


The next morning C went outside armed with his little blue bucket, ready to load up on the eggs that his Daddy had “hid” (rather obviously I might add) all around the front yard.  At first we weren’t sure he’d figure out what to do, but the 3 eggs placed in plain sight on the steps got him off to a good start.  He delightedly went frolicking around the yard, giggling and adding eggs to his basket one by one until he had an even dozen.  Once he had gathered them all, he spent the next hour excitedly jabbering to the Mommy about the egg hunt, as well as sorting, counting, and inspecting the eggs. 

Got one!!!


All Done!!!


Egg Hunts are fun!

You can imagine his excitement when he awoke from his nap to find his bucket empty, and the yard filled with eggs again!  I feel like this could’ve gone on for at least another day or so…but we decided that hard-boiled eggs (especially colorful ones with stickers) would make the perfect snack for our weekend road trip.  By the time we got around to eating them, every egg was cracked except for one.  Lesson learned?  Keep the colored eggs for display and eating only, and find some plastic ones for the hiding and games!

Does anyone else have any egg-straordinary tales of outdoor fun from the holiday weekend?


1 Response to “An Egg-straordinary Green Hour!”

  1. Linda

    That is so much fun at his age! The plastic eggs also “fit” because they are re-useable for many many years….just be sure to count how many you hide, otherwise the lawnmower will invariably (and quite easily) find those that you so desperately hunted for and could NOT find! 😎


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN