Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Two Thumbs Up for Wizbang! (and a GIVEAWAY!)

Recently I had the opportunity to review a headband from Wizbang.  Besides having a catchy name, Wizbang is a company that fashions hats and headbands for women and children, based out of Bozeman, Montana.  Those of you that know me are probably aware of my love affair with hair paraphernalia of all types.  If a headband, hat, or all of the above is not physically on my head, you can rest assured it’s probably within an arm’s length away, especially if I’m doing something active.  Needless to say, when Wizbang Head Honcho Kim Scurry asked if I’d be willing to take their new micro-fleece earband for a test spin, I was of course thrilled!  

First Impressions:  I thought the “Garden Haven” print was really pretty – a bright, funky pattern in what just so happens to be my favorite colors, green and purple.  The borders and opposite side are both made out of a super soft white micro-fleece, which feels comfy cozy on my ears.  Speaking of ears, this headband is called an “earband” b/c it’s designed to be pulled over the tops of your ears in chilly weather, the same way you would wear a hat.  At first I was a little confused about whether I was supposed to wear the earband over the top of my hair (like a hat), or underneath (like a headband).  I must not be the only one because Wizband cleverly has an FAQ page that addresses that very issue (along with other good-to-know facts such as sizing and wash/care information).  Another thing I noticed was the width of the band – it was perfect!  Thick enough that it stayed in placed to do it’s job, but thin enough that it didn’t feel bulky.  It would definitely work really well underneath a climbing or biking helmet.

The perfect ear-warmer on a chilly morning hike!

The Test:  I threw my new earband into my bag a couple of weekends ago when our family headed north to Triangle Rock Club in Durham, NC for a rather atypical weekend.  I was scheduled to do a “Family Craggin'” program and a Tenaya shoe demo at Triangle Rock Club (more on both of those events here), so we took the opportunity to head up a day early so that we could catch up with friends as well as get in a plastic-pulling session at our old stomping grounds.  Right now we’re in that weird in-between season where it’s impossible to know how to dress because I need a jacket in the morning, but wish I was in shorts by the afternoon – so it was the perfect chance to see how the earband would perform during varying conditions!   

The Verdict:  Although I brought along a few other pieces of hair paraphernalia for back-up, I ended up wearing my Wizbang all weekend long!  Most impressive about the Wizbang was it’s versatility.  It was the perfect accessory as I flitted back and forth between all of my scheduled “events” during the weekend.  Functionally, it kept my hair out of my face in the climbing gym, and kept my ears warm on a chilly morning run.  And fashionably, it was a cute accessory that (hopefully) hid the fact that I didn’t wash my hair after said run.  My Wizbang went with me from coffeeshop to shopping mall, and from live music on the lawn back to the climbing gym again – all in one day!  And if that’s not multi-purpose, I don’t know what is!  Initially I thought the micro-fleece might cause some flyaway static hair, but by the end of the day, there wasn’t so much as one stray hair out of place!  Another cool feature of the earband is that it is reversible – on a cold, snowy day, I can flip it around for some winter-white warmth to frame my face.  I’m pretty sure it’ll look equally cute at the crag as well as while sipping some post-climbing hot chocolate!  

The opposite of an action shot, but it was too sweet not to include 🙂

In the interest of full disclosure, I did receive my Wizbang earband for free, but everything expressed in this review is my unbiased opinion – to be honest I’ve had it on for probably 90% of the time since I first received it…Whether you are looking for a functional piece of headwear at the crag, or a fashionable accent to wear around town, I would wholeheartedly recommend this product to a friend.  (And I’ll probably be putting some Wizbang hair paraphernalia on my Christmas list – for both me AND Cragbaby!) 

But the best part (for you all anyway!) is that the friendly folks at Wizbang have generously agreed to provided one lucky reader with their very own Wizbang micro-fleece earband!  There are a couple of ways you can enter (and and entering more than once IS allowed!).  First of all, you can comment on this post – do you consider yourself a “headwear aficionado?”  What are your favorite brands/styles?  Secondly, you can gain another entry by signing up to receive updates and online specials from Wizbang.  (Click here to do so).  If you sign up for the Wizbang email, be sure to come back and let me know in the comment field so that I can give you another entry!  Best of luck everyone – contest will run through Sunday night!  (Oh, and congrats to Jordan D. for winning the Clif Kid Halloween Prize Pack last week!)



11 Responses to “Two Thumbs Up for Wizbang! (and a GIVEAWAY!)”

  1. The Wiz-Kid needs one too! 🙂


  2. Oh man, I love hats. I don’t really need more hats so now I’ve started collecting lots of cool ones for my kiddos! HA! I’d love to try a headband though. I don’t think I’ve worn one since high school!


  3. Jentri King

    I never wear head wear much but I do have to keep a hat around incase my ears get cold it gives me headaches if I don’t. Don’t have much preference for brands but this looks like fun. Thanks for doing the giveaway.


  4. Since my head lacks any natural insulation hats are a must for me Fall thru Spring. I usually wear PowerStretch beanies from EMS but would love to try one of these. I’ve subscribed to their email.


  5. My hair is in that in-between stage where I really need a head band to keep it out of my eyes. And I need one that doesn’t fall off while I’m climbing! This sounds perfect.


  6. Erica

    Kathy – Indeed, he does! 🙂

    Bring the Kids – Sounds like it’s time to bring the headbands back in style then! 🙂

    Jentri – No problem, thanks for participating!

    David – My hubby used to have really long hair, but ever since he went buzz cut, he is never more than an arm’s length away from a hat, either!

    Aimee – Yup, been there for the in between stage – mine has only recently gotten long enough to finally pull back into a pony tail without giant chunks sliding out on my runs!


  7. I wear headbands a ton, especially now that my hair is long.


  8. Angel

    I have two head/ear-band thingies that I wear when running. One works great, the other is kinda bulky and tends to slide back on my head, so I would LOVE to get another one, especially one w/ your rave review to back it up!


  9. Love headbands. Wear one about 99.9% of the time. Today is the .1% when I washed my hair, lol.
    Usually when I’m outside I wear a buff. Would love to try other kinds of headbands though.


  10. I love headbands although They are hard to find ones that dont get unconfortable after a while. I like Cambands brand.


  11. I signed up for their email subscription!


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN