Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Monthly Archives: February 2013

Adventuring with Toddlers – In a Nutshell Why It’s Worth It

Adventuring with Toddlers – In a Nutshell Why It’s Worth It

A lot of times I get asked what makes it worth it.  Why do I put forth so much effort to continue down such an adventurous path now that I’ m a mom?  Maybe because it seems so natural to me that I can’t imagine life any other way, but I sometimes have trouble finding the words to answer that question on the spot.  But as I look back and reflect on how much our family has been able to share together, I know that those memories speak louder than any words ever could…so here’s my attempt to (briefly) address…Read the rest of this entry →


Running for Rock Climbers Series #2: Finding the Motivation

Running for Rock Climbers Series #2: Finding the Motivation

Part 1 of this series focused on the climber-specific benefits that can be attained by adding some weekly running into your fitness regimen.  Todays post will focus on finding motivation to do it – whether you’re new to running and wondering how to get started, an established runner who needs a pick-me-up, or a New Year’s Resolution drop-out looking to get back on the wagon.  It’s amazing how much you can accomplish with just a little dose of motivation!  Here’s a few ideas… 1.  SMARTPHONE APPS- The MapMyFitness App for my iPhone is awesome.  It records my distance, so I can run…Read the rest of this entry →


Running For Rock Climbers Series #1: Why It’s a Good Idea

Running For Rock Climbers Series #1: Why It’s a Good Idea

Just like not everyone who climbs is a “climber,” not every one who runs is a “runner,” and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m the  former, not the latter!  And while most people probably can guess that rock climbing is great exercise, it’s not all-inclusive, so for me running has always played a smaller but very  consistent role in filling in the “gaps” in my fitness regimen.  I run 3 or 4 days a week outside, year round, generally not on the same days that I climb.  I do not run far, nor do I run particularly fast – usually around 3.5 miles…Read the rest of this entry →


Ducksday Kids Outerwear: A Perfect Combo for Rain and Snow (and GIVEAWAY!)

Ducksday Kids Outerwear: A Perfect Combo for Rain and Snow (and GIVEAWAY!)

  While Ducksday might be a household name to outdoorsy families overseas, this kid’s outerwear company has just recently started offering their products stateside, through the family-owned Ollie and Stella Children’s Outfitters, operating out of Ann Arbor, Michigan.  What first caught my eye about Ducksday gear was that it offers a solution to the annoying part of outdoor play in the wet and cold – so much bulk your kid can’t move!  Not only do all those layers take up tons of valuable packing space, but countless times I have taken more than 20 minutes to get my little guy geared up enough for an F4 tornado only to have him…Read the rest of this entry →


Guidebook Update – With a Sneak Preview!!!

Guidebook Update – With a Sneak Preview!!!

  After turning in a giant lump of manuscript to Earthbound Publishing at the end of the summer last year, my work on the guidebook has been pretty sporadic the past few months.  Mostly I’ve just tweaking a few revisions here and there and wrapping up some interviews.  However there has still been one large item on my punch list that had remained unchecked for a long time, mostly due to logistics…The North Face.  Not the jacket company (although one of those would have come in handy!), but the North Face of Stone Mountain.  For most climbers, it’s always been…Read the rest of this entry →
