Ducksday Kids Outerwear: A Perfect Combo for Rain and Snow (and GIVEAWAY!)
While Ducksday might be a household name to outdoorsy families overseas, this kid’s outerwear company has just recently started offering their products stateside, through the family-owned Ollie and Stella Children’s Outfitters, operating out of Ann Arbor, Michigan. What first caught my eye about Ducksday gear was that it offers a solution to the annoying part of outdoor play in the wet and cold – so much bulk your kid can’t move! Not only do all those layers take up tons of valuable packing space, but countless times I have taken more than 20 minutes to get my little guy geared up enough for an F4 tornado only to have him announce, “I poopied, Mommy!” Grrr.
Ducksday’s solution is a two-piece layering system – waterproof rain suit on the outside, and cozy, warm fleece on the inside. Individually, they can keep your child dry in wet, warm weather, or warm in cold, dry weather. Used together, they can keep your child warm enough and dry enough to play in the snow! This combination offers the ultimate flexibility in changing weather – perfect for families who spend long days outside, especially during “in-between” seasons.
When we first received C’s rain/fleece suit combo from Ducksday, I knew we wouldn’t have any trouble finding some rainy testing weather. This time of year there’s no shortage of that here in the Southeast. Snow, on the other hand, I feared would be a little more difficult to come by (last year we didn’t get ANY!). Ironically, however, less than 48 hours after receiving C’s Ducksday gear (and after a morning of tromping around in the puddles with it earlier that day!), my little gear-tester awoke from his afternoon nap to more than 3 inches of perfect, packable snow! And thanks to Ducksday, he was ready!
Here’s our take on the gear…
What Cragbaby Liked…
– IT’S COMFORTABLE: Well, those may not have been his exact words, but he regularly refers to the fleece as his “snuggly, fluffy suit” and often refuses to take it off upon coming inside. In light of that, I’d say comfortable is a fair assumption.
– FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT: Snow angels, sledding, puddle-jumping, sprinting, falling…C could do it all seemingly unencumbered, even though we sized with room to grow!
-WINDPROOF: There were some big wind gusts during our snowy escapade, and not once did C show any signs of shivering. Every time I asked, he’d say, “I’m nice and warm, Mommy!”
What Cragmama Liked…
-IT’S DURABLE: The waterproof fabric on the rain suit appears to be much better made than other suits we’ve had/seen. The fabric seems sturdy without adding bulk, and also appears to be very resistant to stains – even red mud seemed to wipe off clean, without a trace.
–IT’S ADORABLE: C wanted to keep his suit on while we ran errands and went out to dinner, and got so many compliments that I finally lost track!
-ADJUSTABILITY: Velcro cuffs and stirrups on the feet allow for an adjustable fit for kids that grow like weeds.
-VERSATILITY: The rain/fleece suit combo is well-suited for the ever-changing conditions we encounter on climbing trips here in the Southeast. It eliminates the need to pack a whole lot of bulky gear and extra clothes “just in case.”
What We Would Change…
We LOVED the fact that the fleece zipper came completely undone, allowing for easier diaper changes…but we wished that the rain suit zipper did the same, rather than stopping at waist height. Also, we wished the fleece hood would have been a little thicker (and not made of cotton!). It fit very snug over the ears and head, which worked out great for the layering system with the rain hood, but for super cold temps, it would be nicer to have a thicker hood.
This set up has revolutionized my packing strategy for C at the crag. Previously, C had an outer shell for a rainsuit, but we’d have to layer tops and bottoms separately underneath it, as it provided no warmth. Our other option was a down suit from Mountain Molehill, which was too bulky to put underneath the rainsuit, but offered minimal protection in wet weather. Not to mention that on a sunny day the suit was generally too hot by the afternoon, which meant we had to bring extra sets of clothes. Our new Ducksday gear is suitable for all occasions – C can wear the whole she-bang on cold mornings, and as temperatures rise, we can de-layer as needed. And there’s still plenty of room under the rainsuit to add another insulating layer for those mornings that are truly bone-chilling.
55 Responses to “Ducksday Kids Outerwear: A Perfect Combo for Rain and Snow (and GIVEAWAY!)”
Our little peanut is only 2 months old, but had already been bundled up to play in the snow (warmly snug in a stroller for a walk). This would be PERFECT for when he gets a bit older to enjoy the snow!
Our 2 year-old is cool with snow and rain. He just hates wind gusts on an exposed face. So far his big winter activity is snowshoeing.
My almost five year old loves the snow, and ever since we got him on a pair of xc skis he’s been less whiny when we’re out in the snow. The one problem that we’ve run across is this — snow gets on his back when he wears his snow pants, and his snow bib is a little too big and bulky right now because the 4T was too small and the 5/6 is way big. He’d rather wear the pants, but I’d rather him have a suit like this one!
I also liked Cragmama and Ducksday on facebook AND I shared the giveaway on facebook too!
Living in AK we love getting outside and playing. I’ve been admiring Ducksday suits for sometime and would love to win one. I already follow them on Facebook and now I’m following you as well.
Our little one usually wears her rain coat and is covered on the bottom by my rain coat while she’s in the front pack. But since she’s almost walking that set up won’t last long so this would be perfect!
My child has never found an opportunity to get soaked that she hasn”t LOVED!!! She is routinely the messiest, muddiest, wettest kid in our play circle! Since we are a year round outdoor family, this suit sounds awesome!
My niece loves being outside rain or shine and she loves dirt and mud! This would be wonderful to help her stay a bit dryer and cleaner. We have pictures of her covered in mud from head to toe. She loves it.
I like ducksday on fb.
My 18 month has just started enjoying the snow. I’d love for him to be able to get around more easily. The rain suit would also let him keep up with his big brother on wet days! I like DucksdayUSA on Facebook and I now like Cragmama!
My boys love going on puddle walks in the rain but we have yet to find a way to keep them totally dry. This looks like a perfect solution. Thanks for sharing!
My boys don’t need toys or games if there is rain! They splash, explore and run wild!
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Susan – Congrats on your new bundle of joy! Best of luck in the giveaway!
Kia – I’m jealous, I WISH we had enough snow for snowshoeing, I think my little guy and I would both love it!
Jessica – Agreed, I think a one piece suit would solve your problems! Thanks for the likes – multiple entries for you!
Jessica – I’m sure you’ve got plenty of snow season left up in AK! Extra entries for the likes, thanks!
Karen – That won’t be the only thing that changes once she starts walking! It’s a whole new world…:)
Carla – Kudos to you for letting her get wet and wild!
Lace – I love the “wipe-off” aspect of these suits, sounds like they’d come in handy for you too. Double entry for liking Ducksday!
Sarah – Extra entries for the FB likes, and yes, it might even make big brother jealous!
Debi – I am still shocked every time I take C out of it and realize that he’s bone dry!
Lia – I love it- rain is awesome! Extra entries for the likes
My 17-month old loves the rain, and would adore playing outside in it more, but he still doesn’t have a rain suit! I have heard such great things about the Ducksday suits, but haven’t gotten around to buying one yet. It’ll be nice when I can actually keep him dry!
I liked both you and ducksday on Facebook.
It is snowing like crazy here right now… We are going to take our oldest son, Cameron, out to play in the snow! He has seen snow before but never this much. Can’t wait to see how he reacts to it.
I liked both pages on facebook as well
My little one loves to be outdoors, but this has been a crazy rainy winter. I’ve been looking for some type of rain gear for him. I’m excited to learn about Ducksday with or without winning the rain suit. But, winning it would be pretty cool ;). I like Cragmam and Ducksday on fb!
Love your blog! We need to work harder at getting our little guy to the crag!
We live in the desert in AZ and always make sure to play in the rain-when we get it-and it even snowed here for the first time last night! Unfortunately I am dreadfully unprepared for the weather- but my Toddler and I braved the cold and had a blast!
My son is 18 months and LOVES to play outside. It’s not too hard to try and keep him warm (put on the layers), but keeping him DRY in our raining Seattle weather is another story. This suit looks perfect! I also liked Ducksday and Cragmamma on facebook
Mary – Wet weather play is definitely much better when there is a semblance of staying dry!
Thanks for the likes – extra entries!
Christy – I’m sure you guys will have a blast – what kid doesn’t love snow?!?
And I’ve got you in 2 extra entries for the FB likes!
Allison – Thanks for the kind words about my blog! I gave you two extra entries for the FB likes
Holly Marie – Sometimes experiences happen so rarely that you have to go outside and enjoy them, prepared or not!
Corinna – It’s the closest thing to perfect that we’ve found! Best of luck with your extra entries
We’re a family that loves to hike and snowshoe. It’s been a pretty cold winter in Wisconsin this year, but thanks to your blog and ones like it, I am finding the motivation to get the little ones (ages 31 mos and 8 mos) all bundled up like marshmellows to head out in the snow. Ducksday sure would beat the pants off our current puffy snow suits and all those layers underneath! It’d be easier with Ducksday to fit them in their ergobaby carriers for hiking/snowshoeing too!
I liked both you and Ducksday on FB – thanks!
We got snow yesterday morning in the middle of the desert and I’ve never seen my 4 yr old get dressed so fast! She was out the door in a flash and had two snowmen (2 ft. tall each) built before breakfast! It was all gone by noon – except the one little snowball that got left under the leaves. They had to feel it today to be sure it was snow.
We are outside almost constantly in all sorts of weather. Would love to win one of these for Spring puddle jumping!
Amy – Good on you for getting your little marshmallows outside
Extra entries for FB likes!
Angela – I’m glad they got to enjoy the snow, it is always fleeting around here too!
Melissa – The rain suit is especially good for puddle jumping
Nice! I’ve been looking at the Ducksday suits lately, but I’m just hoping we’re almost done with winter! This week, though, we’ve had several inches of snow, and our kiddo really loves playing in it. We’re going to head up to Rocky Mountain National Park this weekend for some mountain sledding fun!
I already like you on Facebook, and like Ducksday on FB!
Our four little girls love to romp outside in all weather. A Ducksday suit would get full use at this house! Plus they are darling!
Oh and I like you on Facebook!
My little Moose loves nothing more than stomping around the puddles, making snowy footprints and chasing shadows. We’d love to have a ducksday suit to keep him cozy (and provide a little flaire to his typical rain clothes). I’ve liked you both on facebook too! Thanks.
My 23 month old is constantly asking to “play snow” and “splash muddles”….oh, how much use we’d get out of a Ducksday suit! Not to mention how cute he’d look in it! (I like Ducksday and Cragmama on FB too)
What child doesn’t like playing in the rain? I would love to win a rainsuit for my toddler!
I like Cragmama on FB.
I like Ducksday on FB.
We love camping and we love our rainsuits… but my little guy is growing and I am going to need a bigger one! He has SO much fun stomping around in the weather!
Kate C – Jealous! Have fun in RMNP!
Trisha – That’s a full house! I’m sure you’d get plenty of use out of it!
Sondra – I love that you refer to your little guy as your little Moose!
Frannie – Splash-muddles = awesome!
Tiffany – I know, right? Rain is the best! Good luck
Andrea – They grow all too quickly don’t they!
Thanks for all the likes on FB everyone – extra entries for everyone that has done so!
My kids love to play in the rain and snow. We must build snowmen as soon as the snow stops.
Like Ducksday USA on facebook
That looks like a really great suit! I’d love to try it out on my kid (and then pass it down when the next one is big enough!)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I like Cragmama on FB
I like Ducksday on FB
Sadie – Our snow is so fleeting down here, but we did manage to get a snowman in last weekend!
Steph W and Cindra – I think the suit is definitely durable enough to hand down to multiple kiddos!
Mike – Yay! I’m sure Charlie will love it
Eric – Yep, I was pleasantly surprised at how dry my little guy was after all that puddle splashing!
It looks comfortable and wearable. Would love to have one and then pass it down the line as it gets outgrown!
Erica, thanks for the great solution to cold/rain. Just ordered charlie the combo suit for his birthday so he can go outside with Dad when the weather gets bad (Like today)…
Being where it rains all the time, this looks like a great way to keep my daughter comfortable during hikes…
I have a 1 year old this would be perfect for when we go to Spain this spring. I’ve also noticed people in Germany putting their kids in them to hike out to the crag through the stinging nettles. I like you on facebook and will like ducksday too!
I like Cragmama on Facebook (Amanda Williams Jones)
I also Like Ducksday on Facebook! Same name as above!
My kiddo loves to “lap up” the snow like the hound dogs in the backyard and when it is more melty, he will splash along the puddles where the chickens, ducks and geese live, to try and play with his feathered friends. I’m sure it’s more than just mud, so having a suit to “hose down” after would be great! Haha!
Hi! Would love to give this to my step son. He loves to go roll around with my puppy sled and really I would love to have something easier to clean him up in after! He is a riot and would totally go for the get up! He loves dressing in costume. This is a genius idea!
Have a great start to the week!
ps i liked both Cragmama and Ducksday USA on FB!
I liked Cragmama and Ducksday on FB
We don’t live where it snows or rains a lot but it does get exceptionally cold and windy, especially at night which is the only time my 2 1/2 year old son can play outside safely. I love the idea of less bulk and more freedom to move and play.
We are avid snow worshippers :). We love making “snow” cones outside…my son can’t wait for April showers so he can make lemonade!!! In short, I feel like staying dry is a constant battle I face…this looks like a great system for the kids to wear. Thans for sharing! Liked you on Facebook!