Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Mountain Mama Review Collage – 3rd Trimester

At 24 weeks I reviewed my collection of Mountain Mama threads that had so generously been provided to me by Teresa Delfin and her awesome niche company.  As promised, I’ve written an updated version now that I’m in the latter stages of pregnancy.  Also reviewed are some new clothing items that I hadn’t received yet at the time of my 2nd trimester review.  

Lumni Tank and Alba pants at 33 weeks

Still rockin’ the Lumni Tank and Alba pants at 33 weeks

Update from 2nd Trimester Threads:  (For a more thorough description of each piece, check out the 2nd trimester review here)

Tenaya V-Neck Eco Tee and Anya Performance Tee – These tees have both grown with me over the past few weeks, and still look and feel GREAT!  They’ve proven themselves to be very durable, and have made it through dozens of days of climbing, hiking, and of course, repeated washings and look almost new!
Lumni Crossfront Tank – In the 2nd trimester this top was a little roomy in the belly, but now that I fill it out more, it’s turned into one of my favorite workout tops!  I’m also looking forward to using it as a nursing top in just a few weeks.
Marni Movement Tank – Since it’s more than just my belly that has grown more voluptuous, I’ve had to layer a sports bra underneath this top to provide adequate support – but it still works during the 3rd tri because the length and fit are still good.
Alba Wide Leg Pant – These pants are PERFECT for hiking and climbing.  My only complaint is that as my belly has expanded, I’ve had a ridiculous time keeping them up since they ride so low.  Thankfully a Bellaband has saved the day and kept me from channeling my inner plumber too much!

San Juan Top and Baselayer bottoms on a family hike at 30 weeks.

San Juan Top and Baselayer bottoms on a 30 week hike.

Lassen Hooded Jacket – Still a wardrobe staple (and could stay that way into the postpartum weeks as well!)  I literally wear it every single day.  My only wish is that I had multiple colors!!!
Clouds Rest Baselayer Bottoms – The waistband got tight on my original pair long about 27 weeks or so, so I moved into the next size up.  Compared to the rest of the Mountain Mama line, these bottoms definitely seem to run small, so if you are wanting them to last for the long haul, I’d recommend sizing up.  (On the flip side, the ones I wore in early pregnancy will probably still make great long-johns for my non-pregnant bod.)
Clouds Rest Baselayer Cross Front Top – This is another one that I’ve enjoyed more as my belly has morphed from a bump to a bowling ball.  The heavier weighted fabric makes it the perfect layering piece during cold weather workouts.  
Isabelle Midi Dress – This dress kept me comfortable and stylish for hubby’s company Christmas party, which is a lot more than I can say for the red high heels…probably not the smartest of ideas, as they were off before dinner even started!

Running laps on the auto-belay at 34 weeks - Orca Top and Leah Pants

Running laps on the auto-belay at 34 weeks

New Threads to Review:

Orcas Eco Crossfront Maternity/Nursing – I LOVE everything about this shirt!  The fit, the fabric, the crossover neckline…it’s been a closet staple these past few weeks, and I’m certain it will be fantabulous for nursing as well.  The length is a little bit shorter than the Tenaya, but even at 35 weeks I haven’t had any peek-a-boo issues, except for every now and then when I’m climbing.  
San Juan Eco Hoodie Maternity/Nursing – Same great stylings as the tee described above, but with long-sleeves, thumb holes, and a hood!  A slim-but-not-too-tight fit makes it a great layering piece, and as with the Orcas, I’m anticipating this will work out great for nursing as well.
Topanga Fleece Pant – If I could only pic one word to describe these pants, it would be COMFORT.  I wear them all the time.   Made out of Polartec Power Stretch fleece, these pants offer plenty of warmth with lots of softness – it feels like I’m wearing a blanket!  The fit on these is very relaxed, which means that baselayer pants fit great underneath! My current fashion trend is to wear baselayers around the house, and throw on the Topangas whenever I go outside.
Leah Yoga Pants – The best part of these pants is that the waistband is adjustable – roll it down to ride below the belly bump, or extend up to have a full belly panel.  For me personally, the most flattering way to wear it was with the full belly panel, as the rolled down fabric tended to look bulky under snugger fitting shirts.  The only part I didn’t like about these pants was the drawcords at the ankles – intended to provide the ability to adjust into cropped pants, I found that the cords got in the way while I was climbing.  After stepping on the cords a few times, I ended up just removing them – that solved the problem!
Zensah Compression Socks – If you are suffering from calf cramps, swelling, or any other lower body unpleasantries, you should definitely try these socks, pregnant or not!  They are very supportive, and compress muscle fibers in such a way that improves circulation and minimizes swelling.  My only regret is that they didn’t have the  cute ones in my size, so I got stuck with the plain white ones 😉

Halfway up a route in the Topanga pants, 34 weeks  (w/Clouds Rest Baselayers somewhere under there!)

Halfway up a route in the Topanga pants, 34 weeks (w/Clouds Rest Baselayers somewhere under there!)

At 35 weeks, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tired of wearing the same old clothes…but the nice thing about Mountain Mama is their exclusive “Bellyglove” fit.  This stretch factor means that their clothes were designed to adapt to every trimester (including the postpartum 4th trimester!)  Even if it takes me longer than I’d like before getting back into my pre-pregnancy threads, I’m thankful that my Mountain Mama options will still look flattering!  

As always, a big thank you to Mountain Mama for all of their support during this pregnancy!  Though I received all of these items for free, the opinions above reflect my own honest opinions about my experiences with Mountain Mama products.  That being said, I’d love to hear more about YOUR experiences with these products, or any other maternity activewear.  And I’d also love to give away a $50 gift certificate to one lucky reader!  It’s easy to gain multiple entries using the Rafflecopter widget below – best of luck and contest ends at midnight (EST) on Feb 5th!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


20 Responses to “Mountain Mama Review Collage – 3rd Trimester”

  1. BethC

    When I was pregnant with my daughter, I used my regular bottoms and baggier race t-shirts for a while. I also had some tank tops from Target that I liked and wore with my regular workout pants. I totally regretted it afterward because I stretched out all of my yoga pants!


  2. Paige

    These reviews are super helpful! I’m five months pregnant with my first child and while my regular yoga/climbing pants still fit now, I know there is a lot of belly bulge still coming! The nursing tanks and tops are particularly appealing.


  3. Jamie Deem

    Erica~~ So love your blog and I’ve enjoyed seeing your pregnancy journey. I am not a climber (but hubby is) and I’ve found you to be such an inspiration!! I am now 23 weeks pregnant and feeling good overall.
    I have been wearing all my usual Athleta gear when I workout (or hangout at home) as most of it is stretchy and super comfy. I was able to wear most of my gear till the end last time. However, I may be outgrowing it sooner this time as this baby boy feels bigger already!

    Best wishes for the upcoming birthday.


  4. Erica

    Beth – I do a little bit of both as far as regular/maternity bottoms…we’ll see how the regular ones fit afterwards lol…

    Paige – Congrats on your pregnancy! Yes, I’m all about multipurpose items, which is why the nursing tops are some of my favorites!

    Jamie Deem – Thanks for the kind words, and congrats on your baby #2! I live in Stonewear and Athleta when not preggo,which lends itself well to the beginnings of a baby bump! I’m definitely growing faster with this one than the first, but so far my Stonewear pants still fit (fingers crossed for a few more weeks!)


  5. Terry

    Mainly boring old track pants for exercise. Went the yoga style pants to dress up a bit near the end, when going out 🙂

    Looking forward to hearing about the challenges of climbing with a second child in toe! Good luck.


  6. I bought XXL rain pants, a massive down coat and cheap shirts that stretched. I had no clue about the great gear out there for active pregnant ladies. If we want our women to stay active during pregnancy, we need great options like these!!


  7. Erica

    Terry – Thanks! We’re looking forward to those challenges also! 🙂

    Lia – I’m in my hubby’s old down jacket as of a week or two ago. Mine will still zip (barely…), but it comes up above my belly button, which is clearly not very useful!


  8. Patricia

    Love mountain mama! I had the Anya tee. It definitely fit better the bigger I was so after I had my baby I passed it to my friend who is pregnant with twins and still doing cross fit at six months. I would love to have one of the cross front tops for nursing now.


  9. Sondra

    I searched everywhere for maternity snowpants to help me get through the Alaskan winter hikes- and came up empty handed. Instead I sized WAY up on some Columbia Sur Le Peak pants with adjustable waist. I also depend on my Smartwool long johns since they are low rise in the belly and my Mountain Hardwear Whipped Butter hoodie which is as soft as a lamb and just keeps stretching as needed.


  10. It was Motherhood black legging pants, sorry I didn’t know about Mountain Mama when I was pregnant or else I would have purchase clothes from then!


  11. I have a Mountain Hardware running shirt that I loved to wear while pregnant. I got it a little big to fit around my belly so I would have something to wear while backpacking and hiking while being pregnant.


  12. Erica

    Patricia – Yep, the MM threads are definitely worth passing down to a preggo friend!

    Sondra – Long-john’s are a staple for me down here in the south, so I can only imagine how much you guys layer up in AK!!!

    Melissa – Ah, the token pregnancy black leggings…everybody has at least one pair, right?!?

    Anne – Big Mountain Hardwear fan here too, but alas, none of my MH pants are even close to fitting right now! In a few months, hopefully! 🙂


  13. May T.

    I wore my mountain mama shirts constantly throughout my pregnancy. Even 3 months postpartum I’m having a hard time giving them up even though I don’t *need* to wear them anymore – they’re just so comfy.


  14. Meredith

    Im in my first pregnancy and I havent gotten to that point yet


  15. Josh Scheutzow

    I’m entering this giveaway so maybe my wife can stop wearing all my gear when she’s pregnant! Lol.


  16. Trisha P.

    With my last winter pregnancy, I wore my wide waist banded baselayer leggings all the time. But I would love them in wool!


  17. Adrian

    I’m 30 weeks pregnant, and most of my climbing/yoga tops don’t cover the bump anymore. I’d love to have some functional Mountain Mama gear so I can keep climbing without the peek-a-boo for the next 10 weeks!


  18. Karen

    I am loving my Mountain Mama Clouds Rest Maternity Base Layer Crossfront. I got it for Christmas this year, and I think I could wear it everyday until little one arrives!!


  19. Jessica @ Bring The Kids

    Honestly, I have to second that Mountain Mama is the absolute BEST! I don’t know how I survived 3 pregnancies without them. Now with #4, I LIVE in their clothes!


  20. Heather S.

    My Mountain Mama climbing harness has to be one of my favorite pieces of maternity gear as of now! It has kept me in the game for the past 35 weeks!


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN