Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

New Book Series for Outdoor Kiddos from Grow Exploring!

Recently our family was asked if we’d review a new series of books aimed at teaching young kiddos about outdoor recreational equipment.  Considering that our outdoor gear junkie family is always on the lookout for unique reading material relevant to our lifestyle, this book series seemed right up our alley!

We received four books – Let’s Go Climbing, Let’s Go Rafting, Let’s Go Skiing, and C is for Camping.  The first three all have the same format – counting different commonly used items in that particular sport, starting with 1 on the first page, and ending with 10 on the last.  The camping book takes on a letter theme, grouping together gear items that all start with the same letter, and presenting them in an “A is for ________” style book. You can expect to learn an array of things like how to use trailer leveling blocks and how to properly pitch a tent. They range in price from $4.95 – $7.95.

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We gave each of them to C one at a time, a few days apart, just to stretch out the newness factor a bit.  Not surprisingly, he naturally gravitated to the climbing one as his favorite (although the camping one was not far behind!)  While the books are a little on the young side for us to be using as bedtime stories, they are great for him to “read” on his own in on-the-go type situations, such as on a car ride, or in a waiting room.  However, I’m sure that baby #2 will get full-value out of these once she is here!  The “board” style binding and pages make these books plenty durable enough for chewing, gnawing, and any other sort of off-label “explorations” from the infant to toddler set!

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The folks at Grow Exploring were not only generous enough to provide our sampling free of charge for purposes of this review, but they have also volunteered to dole out a set of all 4 books to one lucky reader!  All you have to do to enter is leave a comment about your favorite adventure books for kiddos.  (Be sure to use the Rafflecopter widget below to make sure you’re email is entered for the random drawing, as well as for multiple chances to win!)  Contest will end at midnight EST on February 16th.  Good luck!



a Rafflecopter giveaway


15 Responses to “New Book Series for Outdoor Kiddos from Grow Exploring!”

  1. Alice

    These look great! I loved Ranger Rick and Smokey the Bear books growing up.


  2. How great! My husbands favorite adventure books were Dan Frontier. These are a little more age appropriate for our little guy 🙂


  3. Josh

    My kids mostly read the Red River Gorge North guidebook, but lately have been reading the South guidebook as well! It’s good to have variety! Just kidding, these books look great!


  4. Paige

    When my nephew was born in 2011, I couldn’t find any good climbing books for kids so I went to one of those “make your own board book” sites and wrote a rhyming book about climbing necessities (shoes, chalk, harness, tying the knot, having a belayer, etc.). But these are great! Now that I have my own little crag baby on the way, I’m excited to see there are new and better options for outdoor books.


  5. Luke

    I love the Curious George books but probably mostly because the mishaps remind me of my son a bit.


  6. Erica

    Alice – I always loved Ranger Rick growing up too!

    Lydia – Never heard of Dan Frontier – I’ll have to look those up!

    Josh – My little guy loves flipping through guidebooks – he likes seeing the pictures of places where we’ve been!

    Paige – I did something similar with my little guy. I made one of those hardboard books on Shutterfly and wrote about the logistics of a climbing day (but you get extra points b/c I didn’t even try to make mine rhyme! Congrats on your cragbaby-on-the-way! 🙂


  7. Shawn

    These look awesome. We’re expecting our first child in 6 weeks and I can’t wait to start teaching it about the outdoors!


  8. Amber Schwarz

    These look awesome! Our little one is really into flip books and books with babies in them these days.


  9. Laura S

    I love the Jesus Storybook Bible and anything my kiddos will read over and over and over again. They love animal picture/flip books and we talk a lot about the animals and their habitats.


  10. Laura S

    I’m getting a “duplicate comment error” but nothing is posting….?!


  11. Laura S

    OOPS! There it is…. Sorry! I just wanted to make sure I was part of the giveaway – feel free to delete these last 2 🙂


  12. Katie

    Dr. Suess is a favorite for us! Would love these!


  13. Jamie

    We love to read the Zoo books with our daughter (hand me downs from a friend). She also loves the book “Goodnight Vermont” – a great board book sent to her from her cousins in-Vermont! It chronicles the outdoor adventures that are enjoyed in Vermont. I understand that there is a book for each state.


  14. Tara

    We love The Circus Ship and the Mr. Magee adventures by Chris van Dusen.
    I wish these books were around a few years ago when the whole climbing crew was having babies 🙂


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN