Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

SNOWMAGEDDON (and Ducksday Giveaway!)

My little snow angel, decked out in his Ducksday gear.

My little snow angel, decked out in his Ducksday gear.

It’s always a spectacle to the rest of the country when the Southeast gets some winter precipitation, but last week was about the most ridiculous I’d seen in a long time.  Our forecasts started calling for the white stuff around lunchtime, with expected accumulations of 3-4 inches in our area.  At noon the sun was shining and not a cloud was in the sky…then the weather app on my phone shifted to snow at 4:00…then 5:00.  Finally around 6 a fine mist started swirling around outside.  I’m not sure you could even call it snow, as it was more like a dry sleet.  Temps were in the teens, so it was cold enough to stick (although the ground couldn’t have been THAT cold considering that it had been 60 the day before…).  

We woke up the next morning to a VERY thin blanket of about one inch of snow…but that was of course plenty to shut down the whole town.  In our defense it’s not all our fault – our DOT’s don’t have the equipment to get the roads plowed/salted/etc in a timely manner.  But I won’t lie, a lot of it is that Southerners just freak out any time there’s the threat of winter weather.  Half of them buy up all the bread and milk from all of the grocery stores and lock themselves inside until it’s “safe” to come out.  The other half assume that because they have 4WD, they have the skills required to navigate across ice at top speeds (our roads always end up as more ice than snow.)  I like to think our family falls into the small percentage of normal people in the middle of the spectrum – ie, life goes on, but let’s make smart decisions.

Just barely enough to make it worth dusting off the sled...

Just barely enough to make it worth dusting off the sled…

 But of course the ONLY smart decision for us the next morning was to get into our snow gear and head outside as soon as possible!  As soon as the sun hits, the melting begins, so we need to squeeze every ounce of enjoyment we can out of the fluffy white novelty!  C was out of control with enthusiasm from the minute he woke up – “There’s snow EVERYWHERE!”  (You know you’re kid’s from the south when he says that and can still see tufts of grass peeking through the white…)  

Our morning was filled with fun – C’s grandma and I pulled him all over the neighborhood on his sled, using every hill we could find as an opportunity to slide.  We identified all sorts of animal tracks, and wrote our names in the snow with sticks.  The snow was too dry for snowmen or a snowball fight, but it made for wonderful powdery snow angels.  We even made friends with one of the neighbor’s grandkids who was up for a visit.  When he had to go back inside after about 30 minutes because his clothes were sopping wet, I was very thankful that we’ve got such nice snow gear for C.  C was out for for the entire morning, and was warm, snuggly, and dry when we came inside for lunch!  

His gear was provided to us courtesy of Ducksday, and I reviewed our experience with the items as rain gear a couple of months ago.  But now that we’ve tested them out in the snow, I feel like it’s necessary to sing their praises once again!  

...but plenty of snow for some fun!

…but more than enough to have fun with!

3 in 1 Jacket – I can honestly say that C has never been cold in this jacket – and although we rarely have snow, we still encounter our fair share of sub-freezing temps.  This jacket has been a staple for us this winter, rain or shine.  The inner fleece (removable) provides a fabulous insulating layer, while the outer shell shields against wind, rain, and snow.  The hood is sized generously so that a warm hat can still be worn underneath – but it’s also detachable for a low-bulk option on a cold, dry day.  Other bells and whistles include reflective safety tape, elastic cinches at the bottom of the jacket, zip vents under the arms, and a velcro flap covering the zipper as added insurance no water gets through. 

Snow Pants –  These pants have certainly proved impressive in the rain, and now I can give them a two-thumbs up for snow as well! In fact, this winter we’ve thrown them on anytime the air is cold and the ground is wet!  Zippers and velcro at the ankles mean they fit great over boots, and the rise at the waist is high, which ensures extra protection during snow angels and other rolling-around-in-the-snow-shenanigans!  The fit is slim, but still leaves plenty of room for insulating layers underneath (but size up if your kiddo is in between sizes.)

Warm kids are happy kids!

Warm kids are happy kids!

Mittens – These are just the icing on the cake!  Extra long with a velcro adjustment at the wrist and toggle at the cuff, these water and windproof mittens are designed to keep snow out and your kiddo’s little hands nice and toasty warm, even on the coldest of days.  As far as mittens and 3 year olds go, they are easy to get on and off, and the textured palm provides surprising dexterity for a mitten.

I know some parents might think investing in expensive snow gear isn’t very practical down here in the South, but the great thing about Ducksday is how versatile all of their products are.  The removable fleece in the jacket means the outer shell is just as practical for summer rains as it is winter weather, and the pants are perfect for any kind of cold, wet weather – not just snow!  And here’s the really fun part – Ducksday has offered to hook one reader up with their very own 3 in 1 jacket for their kiddo (colors and sizes subject to availability.)  All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below about your favorite go-to snow activities (and the gear that makes them possible!) via the Rafflecopter widget (multiple entries possible for Cragmama and Ducksday fans on facebook!)  Contest will run through February 11 at midnight EST.  Best of luck everyone!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


44 Responses to “SNOWMAGEDDON (and Ducksday Giveaway!)”

  1. Our favorite winter activity is skiing as a family, though we don’t get to go as often as we’d like, it’s fun to treach Ky how and watch his progress as he learns a new skill. And we have loved our Obermeyer snow suite and jacket along with our Columbia snow pants because of their durability and their warmth, even after being worn by at least 2 other kids (we love hand me downs and ski swaps).


  2. Sarah

    Our family loves downhill skiing but with the addition of our baby daughter we’re taking some time off of it to enjoy going on walks and snowshoeing.


  3. Jennifer

    we love snowshoeing and my son loves to play in the snow but we just rely on any handmedowns we get!


  4. While we love ice fishing, sledding and hiking in the snow our mainstay seems to be ‘playing’. We make shelters, dig holes and make footprints!


  5. Lisa

    We love sledding (okay we love skiing to but it’s harder to do from here) so when it snows we hit the hills with a sled. Our little boy (almost 2) had a blast last weekend in the cute sled his grandparents got him last winter. He had fun “hopping” in the snow too and making footprints with his boots.


  6. Rachel

    Snowshoeing – although not much of it here compared to my former home in Vermont! Other than the winter-wear standards for me I like to have a warm, waterproof coat for the dog.


  7. Savannah Marett

    My daughter is only 2 so we really don’t have a favorite “snow” activity yet. But, last year and this year Sophia has enjoyed just marching around in the slow as well as being pulled on a sled. We have yet to have a good enough snow since she has been born to build a snowman.


  8. Erica

    Jentri – Yes, we are big fans of hand me downs as well – we already have C outfitted in climbing shoes for the next two sizes, courtesy of some friends with older kids!

    Sarah – Congratulations!!!!!! Enjoy this sweet time bonding as a family 🙂

    Jennifer – I wish we had enough snow to snowshoe, it looks like such a fun kid activity (and grown-up activity too!)

    Lia – Sometimes the unstructured days are the most fun for the kiddos! We love making footprints too (and finding all the animal tracks in our backyard!)

    Lisa – You guys got a lot more snow than we did last week…I was jealous of all the sledding pics I saw coming out of Raleigh on FB!

    Rachel – That’s a good point about the doggie wear, especially if you’ve got a dog from the South that’s not accustomed to cold temps!

    Savannah – I know what you mean about not having enough snow. We made a small snowman last year, but this year’s snow was way too dry to clump together (plus there wasn’t enough of it anyway!)


  9. Margaret

    Harrison loved sledding when we just had our “big” snowstorm! I would love this Ducksday gear for him!


  10. Matt

    I’m all about skiing but our 4yro boy is currently into upgrading his sand toys into snow toys. It’s like converting the entire yard, driveway, sidewalk, and everything else in sight into a giant sandbox. I think he’d stay out all day if his hands didn’t start to freeze…




  12. We enjoyed sledding in our sloped yard and breaking out the sand toys for building snow castles!!

    Last year I picked up some snow clothes from H&M for my then 2.5 year old that still fit this year!!

    No way he could sit and play in the snow without warm waterproof clothes!


  13. Laurissa Cubbage

    Our favorite activity is snow-man building. Which means our warm mittens and hats end up on sticks and frozen heads before we are back into the house. I even have a stack of old scarves, safari hat, and miscellaneous items in the garage for easy access through out the winter. However, watching my oldest “slide” down the slide in surfer stance (standing, controlled slide) has me convinced he is ready to go skiing. Thanks for the give away!


  14. Hannah B

    My kids love to shovel show. We all go out after a snowfall and push snow around for a while. Good mittens and boots are must-haves to keep fingers and toes warm as well as child size snow shovels!


  15. Karen

    Sledding and snowball fights are our favorites! Thanks


  16. Brandy

    We love snow skiing and hope to be able to do it again as a family when our youngest is old enough to do it too (next season I hope!) We all love sledding and making snow angels though!


  17. We like sledding, playing in the snow and skiing. I want to get into skate skiing someday when I have time. We love Columbia since we have an outlet in town, we get great deals!


  18. We like plain ol’ sledding! We just started getting into snow sports, but I love my Spyder pants and Columbia for our kids!!


  19. My son loves making snow angels and my daughter does whatever her brother is doing. We love my son’s Nitro coat.


  20. Angie

    We like XC skiing and snowshoeing. I absolutely cannot wait to try this line of winter wear, from your reviews, add well as Mountain Mama, even if I don’t win. Keep up the blogging!


  21. Ashley C

    My kids like making snow forts! It doesn’t snow where we currently live but we’re moving to Ohio soon so next winter my kids will have tons of fun!



  22. Heather

    I’ve always loved skiing and snowshoeing, and now that my daughter is of that age, snow forts and snowmen have their appeal again.
    In Alaska good gear is so important!


  23. Keara B.

    Our favorite winter activity is downhill skiing… we took my two-year-old for the first time a couple weeks ago! It certainly helped to have her warm and dry- her waterproof snowpants and comfy ski helmet made it that much easier to have her out in the elements. We also love sledding and hope to get into snowshoeing in the future. 🙂 Thanks for a fantastic review and giveaway!


  24. christy i

    We enjoying snow ball fights! We don’t have any really good gear right now – so would love to try out ducksday!


  25. Sadie B.

    We love sledding. We have great snowpants and boots to make it possible and warm.


  26. Lavina F.

    My 2 year-old loves hiking in the snow. We don’t usually get very far because she keeps wanting to eat the snow and play in every mound of snow. I definitely lucked out when I saw these really good snow boots on sale, they keep her feet warm in the cold Vermont winter and provides good traction.


  27. amirah

    We’re looking forward to skiing/climbing with our little girl hopefully arriving next week!


  28. lace

    Sledding! Mittens and baby legs on our arms to keep snow off wrists is a must and a scarf!


  29. We haven’t gotten enough snow in California this winter but we love just walking and hiking around in what we do get. We haven’t tried snow shoeing yet but that’s next on my list!


  30. We love to go sledding, hiking or just playing in the yard making snowman, snow angels and snow forts. 🙂 And definitely dress up in warm base layers on, great snowsuit on and a pair of great snow boots. I got lucky I won a pair of Muck Boots for my little man and a pair of LLBean boots for my girl. And some waterproof gloves as well is very helpful.


  31. sarah

    For a three year old, i’d say his favorite snow activity is crawling around on his stomach in the snow, eating snow, playing with gigantic icicles like swords… He has some bogs, which i love for the snow or just tromping around on the farm, some marmot velcro up mittens that stay on his hands wonderfully, and some columbia snow bibs that keep all the snow out!


  32. Erica

    favorite activity is fort building or tea parties or snow angels or sledding (but we have to find a toddler sized hill).

    our lands end bib snow pants work well, but we’re pretty stumped on tops, and i really love the look of the one piece ducksday suits. and wool underlayers are definitely key for warmth.


  33. Angela Bowes

    We do a lot of just playing around.. snowball fights, snow angels, sculptures. We have snowshoes, but my son isn’t so into the idea of going out. It’s actually Family Day here in BC, and it’s a holiday.. also 1/2 lift tickets at the ski hill.. we’re going to try it out! We usually rely on Columbia snow pants and whatever nice down-filled coat we come across.


    • Angela Bowes

      Forgot to mention that we love molehill mitts, kamik boots & smart wool hats.

  34. Sasha

    My 4 yo daughter loves to build fairy houses in the snow and loves to help daddy shovel the drive (an almost daily chores here in snowy Michigan!). When we are able, we cross county ski and down hill ski.


  35. nikki

    We love going sledding and snowshoeing when we visit family that have snow! But we are moving from Hawaii to Alaska this summer so my two kids don’t actually own cold weather clothing haha! We have always borrowed on our trips. This jacket would be amazing for our new adventure.


  36. Alicia W.

    Our favorite winter activity is skiing! We’re very excited to take our 3 year olds skiing for the first time now that we live closer to the slopes! My must have gear includes warm wool socks and good gloves because my feet and hands get cold!


  37. Jessica

    We like to cross country ski, sled, and just recently started showshoeing. Unfortunately in AK our snow has all but melted but our fingers are crossed that we get to experience some fun soon.


  38. Andrea Summers

    We love spending our time outside, especially in the winter. We love to ski, sled, and hike all winter long. it is so much more enjoyable when the kids are warm and comfy. Having the proper gear helps them stay warm and dry with lots of different options for layering.


  39. Alice

    I love skiing! Can’t wait for my little guy to join us!


  40. Josh

    I love all your giveaways! In Ohio, we get a good amount of snow, ice, sleet, and rain! And finding quality gear for the kids is so important!


  41. Luke

    Sledding and just general play is always a good time. Warm socks (smartwool) are what make it possible with the little ones.


  42. Snowshoeing is our family activity. We’ve typically used Columbia for the older kids, with Terramar Base Layers. We’ve really been looking for something better for our youngest as he’s been complaining about his current snowsuit!


  43. You have an adorable little snow angel! Good thing you kept C warm and comfortable with a nice heavy coat and a good pair of boots. Moments like these are sure to keep you warm inside while the weather is frigid and cold outside.


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN