Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

4 Years and 1 Proud Mama



The other day I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, and as usual, there was a children’s folk song station playing on Pandora in the background.  C had been painting at his art table, and had just left the room to go get some more paper, and a song came on that I’d never heard before that stopped me in my tracks.  I felt a wave of emotion come over me as I listened to the words that described EXACTLY what I felt about my little guy.  Then right on cue my sweet little boy came bounding around the corner, oblivious to the “mommy moment” I was having.  I swooped him up in my arms, and his initial surprise quickly gave way to sparkly eyes and gleeful giggles as we dipped and danced all around the kitchen until the song was over.  Just when I thought I could make it through the moment sans tears, the song ended and C looked at me and said, “Mommy I love you.”  

I had trouble finding a link to the actual song, but here are the lyrics to “You and Me,” by Frances England…


“You and me, happy as can be
Flying through the park on our bikes
On a Sunday afternoon

You and me, rolling on the floor
Practicing your somersaults, cartwheels,
Your donkey kicks and more…

How did you grow so big overnight
How did you get so smart and bright
Yesterday you were asleep in my arms
Today you’re growing off the charts

I’m so proud of you

You and me, drawing pictures wild and free
While the paint goes flying,
Your big smile brightens up the room

You and me, reading books in bed
Your head on my shoulder,
Your eyes on the pages ahead

How did you grow so big overnight
How did you get so smart and bright
Yesterday you were asleep in my arms
Today you’re growing off the charts

I’m so proud of you.”




For those of you that don’t have kids yet but plan to someday, people are NOT kidding when they say it goes by way too fast!  Cliche, maybe,  but it really does feel like just yesterday that I held him in my arms for the first time in that hospital room – and today he is turning 4 YEARS OLD!  Life before he came seems like a world away, and I can’t wait to see how his life journey will unfold.  So with that, happy birthday to the Crag-Kiddo!  And to all the parents out there, regardless of how old or young your kiddos are, give them a big hug today and tell them that you love them…and maybe even dance around the kitchen if you feel so inclined! 




3 Responses to “4 Years and 1 Proud Mama”

  1. Happy Birthday C!
    Hope you have a super fantabulous day! We are blessed to have you in our lives and YOU are super blessed to have such a wonderful Mommy!
    Love you both!


  2. Linda

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Canaan! Everyday is happier because you are such a happy and loving little man!


  3. Jamie

    I *love* that song. My daughter and I hear it almost daily. It always makes me tear up when I look at my baby–now “big girl” per her own proclaimation (who will be 2 next week). Wonderfully sentimental post and happy birthday!


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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN