Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Daily Archives: April 28, 2014

New Blog Series: #KidCrushers (with Prizes from ClifKid!)

New Blog Series: #KidCrushers (with Prizes from ClifKid!)

As the weather warms up, it seems like a lot of climbing moms and dads are starting to get their kiddos out on the rock more and more.  And more time on the rock means more quality family time and adventure milestones.  Whether it’s first leads, first multi-pitches, or just a first time tying in, there’s been a lot to celebrate recently.  And I’m sure that this “kid-crusher” phenomenon isn’t limited to my own network of friends and acquaintances.  So since the whole premise behind the Cragmama blog is about encouraging “adventures big and small,” I’d like to start recognizing…Read the rest of this entry →
