Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

How the Boba 4G Makes Me Feel Like SuperMom!

Some of you may remember that I reviewed the Boba 4G Carrier for toddler use last fall (find it here.)  And as good as it worked out for my then 3 year old, I’m happy to report that it is even better for my newborn little girl!  What makes it so great?  Let me count the ways…


1.  EASY IN/OUT – Once the straps are adjusted, I can easily get baby girl in and out of it all by myself.  When C was a newborn, I remember there being quite a learning curve with using the majority of our carriers by myself, and many of them I never really got the hang of…but this one is easy to use.  

2.  VERSATILITY – Accommodating heights of 5’0″ – 6’3″ and waistband sizes of 25″-58″, this carrier securely fits users on opposite sides of the spectrum, which works out great in families where a small mommy and large daddy are both sharing babywearing duties.

 3.  INTEGRATED NEWBORN/INFANT SEAT – Whereas many carriers require an additional (and often pricey) insert for the short-lived infant months, this carrier comes with an option for babies 7-15 pounds already included.  It’s one of those inventions that is so ridiculously simple, I can’t believe no one thought of it before!  Basically there is “pillow” that snaps into place in the shape of a ball for 7-10 pounders, then expands to more of a rectangle shape for 10-15 pounders.  Note:  Even though she was full term, Baby Z was tiny, and at 5 lbs, 12 oz, didn’t make the recommended weight minimum. But she (and therefore we) fell in love with the Boba from the minute we got home from the hospital!  

Fun with Crag-Kiddo while Cragbaby catches some her zzz's.

Fun with Crag-Kiddo while Cragbaby catches some her zzz’s.

4.  BREASTFEEDING – Most carriers claim that it’s possible to nurse on the go, but I always found it to generally be more trouble than it’s worth.  But the Boba has a lot of thoughtful features that make breastfeeding while babywearing a lot less awkward.  All you have to do is expand the panel straps and lower the waistbelt a little to give baby a little more space and line him/her up with your breast, and latch on!  The 16″ panel offers great coverage for being discreet in public (and then a couple of years later doubles as great back support for your growing toddler!)  

5.  PEACEFUL BABY – My favorite reason of all is how happy my little girl seems to be in this carrier.  If she’s tired, she’ll konk out within minutes, and often sleep so long that I actually have to wake her up to ensure that we’re nursing at least every 3 hours!  For comparison, when placed in a bouncer or on the floor, she’ll rarely last more than an hour or so…  

6.  MADE FOR ADVENTURES – When it  comes to outdoor adventures both big and small, this carrier is a must have for transportation to and from the crag and along the trail.  And the benefits won’t end when the newborn phases does – as Baby Z gets bigger, she’ll be able to see and interact with the world from the safety of mom, first with her head poking out of the top while I wear her on the front, and eventually riding on my back.

Sleep in heavenly peace.

Sleep in heavenly peace.

On most days I wear Baby Z for anywhere from 2-6 hours, and her Daddy often gets in an hour or two as well in the evenings (for benefits of babywearing, click here and here.)  This enables us to provide her with the comfort and security that every newborn needs without having to neglect my active 4 year old (not to mention that almost all of my writing is done while babywearing these days…) With this carrier, I can sometimes even catch fleeting glimpses of SuperMom sometimes – as I find myself able to cook, clean, and entertain toddler all with a sleeping baby snuggled up next to my chest!  

For all the other moms (and dads) out there, what piece(s) of baby gear bring out YOUR super powers?




5 Responses to “How the Boba 4G Makes Me Feel Like SuperMom!”

  1. Heather S.

    I absolutely love our Boba! Congrats Erica on your newest addition…we just had a little boy on March 14th..Hayden! I don’t have any other children…but I do have a 1 year old pup who is needing of some extra TLC these days and popping Hayden in the Boba frees me up to take her out for walks and play time (she’s not good enough on her leash for me to handle her and a stroller!). Hayden loves snuggling in the Boba and after 2 weeks of trying to do things with one hand I finally broke it out and was able to slide him in and out by myself which is huge!!! Cant say enough about the Boba!


  2. BethC

    Great review! I’ve decided to try the woven wrap route for my #2 coming in August, so I’ll see how that goes. I really liked the Moby when my first was tiny, and we’re both loving wovens now that I am pregnant (the waist strap of our Ergo quickly became uncomfortable with the bump). Great to know that the Boba works well for the tiny baby phase though!


  3. Erica

    Heather and Beth – congrats on your bundles/bundles to be!!!! So glad that babywearing has been successful so far 🙂


  4. Mary

    Thank you for the baby and toddler reviews of the Boba 4g. I’m really excited from what I’ve read about it on multiple websites and this just confirmed my hopes that it works well for both baby and toddler. I have a one year old and we are over the challenge or correctly tying our woven wrap just for a quick trip into the store. The stretchy Moby was great for us when I could pre-tie it and slip her into it for a brief outing but now we need something more supportive. We’re trying for our second child now, though, and I would love to have the option of carrying a smaller baby in this carrier as well. Thanks again for all the great feedback about the Boba.


    • Erica

      Glad you found the review useful, Mary. In my opinion it’s the most versatile as far as age ranges go.

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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN