Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Monthly Archives: May 2014

Hot Shots at the Giordana Velodrome

Hot Shots at the Giordana Velodrome

 Last week I wrote about the joys of mountain biking as a family activity.  This week I’d like to spotlight a local facility that’s provided another avenue for cycling fun for Big C in recent weeks.  The Giordana Velodrome was built in 2012 as part of the Rock Hill Outdoor Center.  It’s one of many outdoor recreation offerings in the gorgeous Riverwalk community in Rock Hill, SC.  In addition to hosting several national and UCI caliber events at the track throughout the year, the facility also provides programs geared towards educating thae local community about the sport of track cycling.…Read the rest of this entry →


Hey Moms, Slow Down!

Hey Moms, Slow Down!

Most of my runs these days are done behind the wheels of my trusty jogging stroller.  I leave the house in my running clothes, drop Big C off at preschool at 9 am, and if all goes according to plan, Baby Z is drifting peacefully off to sleep right about the time I pull back into the driveway.  I shuffle her into the stroller as quietly as I can, and I’m off – pounding the pavement for a 4-5 mile respite while my little girl enjoys her peaceful slumber. Sometimes I’m able to squeeze in a solo run on the weekend, sans…Read the rest of this entry →


Why Mountain Biking is an Awesome Family Activity

Why Mountain Biking is an Awesome Family Activity

About a month or two before Baby Z’s arrival, my then 3 year old son transitioned from balance bike to big boy bike.  I cannot sing the praises of balance bikes enough, as the skills he learned there made for a seamless switch to pedals, without the need for training wheels.  And while we’ve undoubtedly done about a zillion laps around our neighborhood, the local mountain bike park has been the best outlet we’ve found for channeling his “inner ripper” while keeping the rest of the gang content (whether it’s a 9 month pregnant Mommy or a Mommy/newborn babywearing pair.)…Read the rest of this entry →
