Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Daily Archives: September 17, 2014

Bitybean: A Bit of Babywearing Heaven!

Bitybean: A Bit of Babywearing Heaven!

It’s no secret that our family is into babywearing in a big way.  While I’d like to picture us as a peaceful, attached family that wears our babies purely for the many physical and emotional benefits it brings to our young, the truth is that most of the time we do it for convenience sake.  (That and because a sleeping baby on your chest is one of the best feelings in the entire world…)  That may explain why we have 5 times as many babywearing apparatuses as we do children.  Or it could be because the Cragdaddy and I are…Read the rest of this entry →
