Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Monthly Archives: November 2016

Hey-o, Veyo’s Back!

Hey-o, Veyo’s Back!

Ok so this darling little company that makes amazing kid’s mittens didn’t actually go anywhere, but I reeeeaaaally wanted that to be the title of my post, so indulge me please.  Although if you live in the South, you probably haven’t given winter gear a second thought since, say, February.  But it’s that time of year again, the time when you drag out all that winter wear and realize JUST HOW MUCH your kiddos have grown in a matter of mere months (and also how much you love that cute pair of super warm boots…but that’s for another post.) So for those…Read the rest of this entry →


Red River Gorge in November

Red River Gorge in November

While my heart will probably forever belong to the New, I do really like the Red, and I so wish the Red was a lot closer.  I also wish it was a lot less crowded.  But one thing we didn’t have to wish for this past weekend was better climbing conditions…because it was darn near perfect! Our first day was spent at Funk Rock City.  Yes, our motivated crew of 3 adults and 3 children (two of which are under 3) did the 45 minute slog across the creek and up the mountain side just so that I could finally try…Read the rest of this entry →


NRG: Flashin’ or Thrashin’

NRG: Flashin’ or Thrashin’

Sometimes on a climbing trip, you have a “day of reckoning,” where you try hard and it pays off with a send.  Other times, you flail your way through a weekend and come out without any new notches on your sending belt.  This past weekend for me was one of those weird in between weekends.  I was either flashing…or thrashing.  There was no middle ground. Being that it was November and we FINALLY got those crisp, cool, fall conditions we’ve been waiting for all year, the only destination for us this weekend was Endless Wall.  Since I’d sent my project…Read the rest of this entry →
