Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Yearly Archives: 2016

M.A.P. Footwear Review

M.A.P. Footwear Review

A few months ago our family got the chance to try out some children’s shoes from M.A.P footwear.  Each kiddo got to choose a pair (Troy for Big C, and Lillith Toddler for Little Z.)  Both pairs are similar in style to outdoorsy children’s shoes from other brands.  Cute, yet very functional, ie Mary Janes with a very thick sole. Prior to this review, I’d never heard of M.A.P before, but after realizing their name stands for “Motion, Adventure, and Play,” it was a match made in heaven, because those 3 words are a few of our favorite things! What first caught…Read the rest of this entry →


Jesus and Tequila = SENT!!!

Jesus and Tequila = SENT!!!

“…I’m not sure when, but one of these days I will pull the crux on Jesus and Tequila and not take the swinging whipper.  I’ll stay clean through the dihedral and nail the deadpoint move.  I’ll teeter out across the roof and plant my foot exactly where it needs to be, and execute the final sequence.  I’ll stand at the top and savor the magnificent view of the river below…” I wrote that exactly 6 months ago in a blog post…And guess what you guys – Saturday was the day!!!  I am absolutely giddy with excitement!!!  Back in January I’d told the…Read the rest of this entry →


Kid’s Geology Activities that Rock!

Kid’s Geology Activities that Rock!

To me one of the biggest blessings of homeschooling is that our family can do things when it works best for US, and we can slow down/speed up whenever we feel the need.  For example, the curriculum we’ve been using this year for science (106 Days of Creation) had included 2 short and very basic lessons about “rocks” before plunging straight into plants and trees.  As I looked at our calendar, I realized a lot of the projects I wanted to do in the Plants/Trees unit would work better once the leaves had started to change color.  For us, that often doesn’t happen…Read the rest of this entry →


The 2016 Craggin’ Classic

The 2016 Craggin’ Classic

It’s the middle of September, and that means it’s time for two things – migrating north for the Craggin’ Classic at the New River Gorge…and my kids getting sick.  Last year, it was a mysterious fever for Little Zu.  This year, it was a tummy bug that left its mark on several family members before heading elsewhere…but that’s probably all you need to know about that. Anyway, by the time the event was underway, everyone was (mostly) okay, and our logistical plans (always the crux when climbing with kids) went off without a hitch.  The kids and I had headed…Read the rest of this entry →


The Fort Bragg Spartan Race

The Fort Bragg Spartan Race

It all started earlier this summer with the new NBC TV show “Ultimate Spartan Challenge.”  My ninja warrior wanna-be son was all about it from the minute he saw it.  Add to that the fact that we actually knew a few of the competitors…and his mind just exploded week after week.  He began “training” everywhere – in our backyard, on the playground, at the crag, insisting that he was going to be a Spartan when he grew up (and that he was going to be on the Ninja team, because first he was going to be the next American Ninja Warrior.)…Read the rest of this entry →
