Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

2020 Vision

2020 Vision…did you catch my pun?  😉  A little dad joke-ish, but I thought it was fun.  Eyesight jokes aside, however, it’s time for a list of climbing goals for the new year! As always, these goals are subject to change as the rest of the year unfolds.  But looking ahead, this is what I’m aiming for in 2020.

Line of Fire 12c, one of the more popular routes on the Hawsbill 12 wall (Photo Justin Hedrick)

FINISH THE 12 WALL AT HAWKSBILL:  There are 3 routes left unsent for me on the 5.12 wall at Middle Hawksbill, and I would love to finish out the wall.  The first one, Manifest Destiny 12b, is  the only one of these unsent three that I’ve actually been on before.  Though on paper it’s the easiest one on the wall, my previous attempt did not go well.  However, that was almost 4 years ago, and my power and core strength have improved dramatically since then, so I’m hopefully optimistic this time around.  The second one is Appalachian Spring 12c, a mixed route that looks like my favorite style of climbing – slightly overhanging crimps.  The final one will likely be the hardest – Triple Bypass 13a.  Never been on it, and don’t know anyone that has, but I guess there’s one way to find out about it!

STEALTH AND MAGIC 12d – I put 2 solid days in on this sucker last fall, and just when I felt pretty close, weather and holiday travel shut me down.  Looking forward to hopping back on this come spring!

HIT 100 LIFETIME 5.12’s – As it stands right now, I’ve sent 93 5.12’s in the course of my journey as a climber. It breaks down like this (not counting repeats, and rounding a handfull of “slashy” grades up or down accordingly):

12a – 56
12b – 25
12c – 9
12d – 6

I’m hoping that in 2020 I will hit the century mark with 100 5.12 sends!  While this goal isn’t really letter specific, ideally I would love to get those upper 12 numbers both in double digits while I’m at it!

TEN SLEEP 5.13? – We are headed back this summer – and this time we’re driiiiiiiiiiving!!!!!  Well, 75% of us are.  CragDaddy doesn’t have the PTO to make a long drive worth the trip, so to maximize our time, the kids and I are setting out several days early and making our way to Wyoming, where we’ll pick up our favorite partner in climb up at the Casper airport and keep right on rolling in to Ten Sleep.  My goal at Ten Sleep always tends to be more star-chasing than number-chasing, but at this point I’ve done most of the classics in my onsight range, so I’d love to pick something harder and invest several days on it this time around and see how it goes.  On a side note – we’ll be stopping in Nashville, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Denver – anybody wanna meet up and show us a good time?!?

Ten Sleep Round 4 – ETA August!!!

The Enneagram 1 in me would love to see those goals at 5 rather than 4 just because it looks better that way…but I think these 4 will keep me busy enough this year, so I’d better stop here!  I would love to hear what everyone else is hoping to accomplish this year though.  Please comment below and we can cheer each other on!


3 Responses to “2020 Vision”

  1. Tonya Williamson

    We’re in Boulder now if you want to get together on your drive!


  2. Steve Metcalf

    Hey there! I was perusing the Internet and stumbled across your post about my brother Eric Metcalf whom you wrote about after his death at Moore’s back in 2012. I saw in this post that you’re stopping through Denver on the way to Ten Sleep! I live in Denver now and oddly enough, I climb now as a way to carry on Eric’s legacy and have been to Ten Sleep a few times with my wife. Maybe you’ve already cancelled your plans given the pandemic, but if you’re still planning to drive out and stop through Denver I’d be more than happy to show you around and maybe even trade belays.


    • Hey Steve,
      Sorry for the delay on responding to this comment – I was having a lot of trouble with spam comments (like, hundreds per day) and just now realized that actual comments from real people were slipping thru the cracks, yours being one of them. Anyway, our plans were off and on for a while…but back on! I would love to take you up on a tour de Denver, but we will just be passing thru quickly on our way to pick up my hubby in the Casper Airport, so we wont enough time to actually climb. We will have about a day and a half to explore though – we were thinking of doing St. Mary’s Glacier one day, and then the next day driving thru RMNP from Estes Park to Grand Lake and then on to Wyoming. Any short, kid-friendly must do hikes you would recommend in RMNP? If we have time on eithre day we are also thinking about hiking (not climbing …;)) the 2nd Flat Iron. Or at the very least hiking out to see it. Any specific beta would be welcome. I am glad that climbing has been a way for you to connect with Eric’s legacy – I don’t think it sounds odd at all! Anyway, thanks again for reaching out! Take care, and stay safe during these crazy times!

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“Not all who wander are lost.” —JRR TOLKIEN