Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Training

Rocktober at Breaks Interstate Park + Red River Gorge

It’s been quite a long time, but welcome back to this little corner of the interwebs! For quite a while now I’ve been wanting to get back into blogging on the regular again, and a trip report about our most recent family adventure seemed like a perfect place to dive in! When I polled some of you on Instagram about specific topics you were most interested in reading about, an overwhelming majority of you all voted for “a little bit of everything!” So I’ll try my best to hit all the highlights from our trip without going down any epic…Read the rest of this entry →


NRG Boot Camp: A Story about the “Why”

NRG Boot Camp: A Story about the “Why”

(AKA…The Comment That Risked Our Marriage But Improved My Climbing) Last week I officially opened registration for an NRG-specific training workshop I’ll be doing later this month. I wanted to use this space to tell you guys not only about what to expect from the workshop, but also to tell you why I’m so passionate about geeking out about NRG specific training! My hubby and I have been climbing at the New since 2007. My 12yo son spent his first night under the stars there in 2010 when he was only 2 months old, and before my now 8yo daughter…Read the rest of this entry →


Summer Training (aka 10 Sleeps Til Tensleep)

Summer Training (aka 10 Sleeps Til Tensleep)

If I would’ve told you 6 months ago that I would spend the whole summer training for a climbing trip almost exclusively on the same 5 boulder problems + hangboard combo, you probably would’ve told me not to get my hopes up.  And I probably would’ve agreed with you.  It certainly wouldn’t have been my first chocie, but Covid 19 pretty much destroyed most everyone’s first (and second, and third) choices in these past few months.  Summer Climbing Recap Let me back up.  For those of you that might not be aware, our family’s big quarantine project was putting together…Read the rest of this entry →


Why We Chose a Treadwall

Hi everyone, Cragdaddy here with a guest post. A lot of people have been asking about why we chose a Treadwall Fitness Treadwall over the other available options like a home woodie (custom built home wall) or maybe even a full Moonboard. We had considered building a Moonboard at our house in the past to give Cragmama an at home option when I am traveling. We do live in the south, therefore wee really wanted it climate controlled and we didn’t have the space to build it inside. We looked at enclosing a part of our attic and putting in…Read the rest of this entry →


The Fort Bragg Spartan Race

The Fort Bragg Spartan Race

It all started earlier this summer with the new NBC TV show “Ultimate Spartan Challenge.”  My ninja warrior wanna-be son was all about it from the minute he saw it.  Add to that the fact that we actually knew a few of the competitors…and his mind just exploded week after week.  He began “training” everywhere – in our backyard, on the playground, at the crag, insisting that he was going to be a Spartan when he grew up (and that he was going to be on the Ninja team, because first he was going to be the next American Ninja Warrior.)…Read the rest of this entry →
