Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Hiking

On Choosing a Crag (Part 1)

On Choosing a Crag (Part 1)

Everyone knows that not all crags are created equal – but the characteristics that make a climbing area perfect depend on what your climbing party is looking for. Who cares about the approach, you might say – don’t you just go where the climbing is good?!? It seems like a no-brainer for most folks…however since Cragbaby came along, we’ve realized that there is more to a great day than just great climbing. Here’s a list of the factors we consider when we are gearing up for a day out on the rocks. Distance – Remember that short little legs tire…Read the rest of this entry →


Green Hour Connection: On the Go Tips!

Green Hour Connection: On the Go Tips!

Some days its not always easy to fit in some Green Hour fun. Juggling errands, appointments, naptimes, and mealtimes make for a hectic enough day as it is, without trying to throw in some unscheduled outdoor time, right?  Today’s Green Hour post is about how to green up even your busiest of days!  You might not have hours on end of free time at your disposal, but everyone has a few minutes here and there – and if you plan it right, that’s plenty enough to recreate and restore your spirit before tackling the next big project.  Here’s how to make your Green…Read the rest of this entry →


Falls Lake Trail – Crag Preparation Hike #3

Falls Lake Trail – Crag Preparation Hike #3

So we went on another hike this weekend, this time along a section of the Falls Lake Trail, which is a 23 mile trail that skirts around Falls Lake north of Raleigh.  This trail is also part of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, which is a collection of connecting trails that extends all the way across the state of North Carolina from, you guessed it, the mountains to  the sea.  We did a 5 mile-ish section that started at Blue Jay Point Park, which is about a 30-40 minute drive from our house.  This was the farthest away from our house that…Read the rest of this entry →


Preparation for Crag – Hike #2

Preparation for Crag – Hike #2

So we have a tentative goal to get Canaan out on a climbing day trip sometime towards the end of May.  To do this, we figure we need to take lots of baby steps (no pun intended…:) ) in order to make sure he is ready for the long haul of a whole day out and about.  We started out by taking a hike with BeBe and Papa Joe last Friday in celebration of his due date.  It was a leisurely3.5ish mile hike along a smooth trail.  It took us a little over an hour – so not really any…Read the rest of this entry →
