Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Homeschooling

Why You Should Compost With Your Kids…

Why You Should Compost With Your Kids…

“The buggies like to eat the icky bananas,” C informs me matter-of-factly as he tosses an overly browned and bruised piece of banana into the little plastic box sitting on our kitchen counter. When we’re done fixing breakfast, we’ll take the plastic box outside and dump the “icky banana” and the rest of the breakfast leftovers (strawberry caps, eggshells, etc) into the compost bin.  Sometimes we’ll give it a few turns with our firepit poker, and, if it’s going to rain that day, we might leave the lid off. Click here visaliaweddingstyle for further updates. This fall marks one year…Read the rest of this entry →


Junior Entomology 101: Cicadas!

Junior Entomology 101: Cicadas!

If you have been reading this blog for a long time (as in, more than 2 years), you may remember that this is not the first post I have written about cicadas.  The crag-kiddo’s first experience with these giant creepy-crawlies came during the first summer we spent in our new home in Charlotte. Last year must have been an “off” year for the cicada, at least for our yard, because their leftover shells were not rampant as they had been the year before.  Lucky for my sweet cicada-loving C however, they were back in full force this year, with even more…Read the rest of this entry →


Five Glories of Gardening…with Kids

Five Glories of Gardening…with Kids

Growing veggies, pulling weeds, digging for earthworms…the garden is a natural springboard for countless backyard adventures.  And the best part about it is that you don’t have to be a farmer or a professional landscaper to do it!  In fact, planting a garden is an activity the entire family can enjoy together.  If you think gardening with the kiddos might be too much work or that your family’s “green thumb” may have skipped a generation, here’s 5 reasons that will hopefully get you motivated to get yourself (and your kids) outside in the dirt this summer! 1.  APPRECIATION OF FOOD…Read the rest of this entry →


Summer Bucket List for Families

Summer Bucket List for Families

School’s out, summer’s in, and it’s time to make some family memories!  Some years we go for one big adventure, and other years we plan for multiple smaller ones.  Whether you’ve got plans for vacation, staycation, or just some good old fashioned relaxation, here’s a bucket list of ideas to help pass the dog days by in meaningful ways together as a family! 1.  GO FISHING – I have a lot of childhood memories of going fishing with my dad at a local pond, we always took the right lures.  As I recall I did more talking and splashing than…Read the rest of this entry →


5 Ways to Have Fun With Strawberries This Season!

5 Ways to Have Fun With Strawberries This Season!

Strawberry season is without a doubt one of my favorite times of the year.  A bucket overflowing with plump, juicy red strawberries held triumphantly by a toddler with red-stained hands and face is a joyful image indeed!  And now that the season is upon us, I thought it would be fitting to share a few of our family’s favorite strawberry-related activities… PICK YOUR OWN:  Growing up I can remember every year driving to the local farm with my mom, often several nights per week, all throughout the month of May.  We’d pick 4, eat 2, then drop the rest in…Read the rest of this entry →
