Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: In the News

Publications, Mentions, and General “Buzz”

Hidden Valley Fundraiser!

Hidden Valley Fundraiser!

Tuesday night was a great one for the Charlotte climbing community.  It proved to me once again that NC climbers are a special group of people!  A few weeks ago, Garrett Gossett from the Charlotte Chapter of the American Alpine Club invite me to attend their next “Pint Night” to promote my new guidebook.  Once we put our heads together, we decided to take things a step further – why not turn this shindig into a fundraiser to benefit the Hidden Valley land acquisition? Sycamore Brewery was kind enough to host our event, and the Bleu Barn Bistro’s food truck was…Read the rest of this entry →


Exciting Announcement – The Guidebook is Finally Ready!!!

Exciting Announcement – The Guidebook is Finally Ready!!!

Well…almost.  Geez, has this been a labor of love.  BUT, it’s finally at the printer, which means in just a few short weeks I’ll have a book in hand and can officially call myself a published author!  YAY! While I could go on and on about how much harder this process has been than I thought it would be, and how frustrating all the outside-of-my-control delays have been, here’s the details you really need to know… WHAT IT IS… Carolina Rocks: The Piedmont is a comprehensive guide to the 4 major climbing areas in central North Carolina.  It covers Moore’s…Read the rest of this entry →


New Athleta Store in Durham (aka Adventures in Girliness!)

New Athleta Store in Durham (aka Adventures in Girliness!)

 Even though we’ve been in Charlotte for over a year now, folks still regularly ask me if we miss Raleigh.  My answer is usually….”Nah.”  Aside from several friends (most of whom I still keep in touch with) and a handful of local haunts, Charlotte seems to have everything that the Triangle area had to offer, and more.  Until now…I had heard rumors of a new Athleta store opening up at the Streets of Southpoints mall in Durham (just 20 minutes from our old digs!), and I was delighted when they contacted me about participating in a special VIP “sneak preview”…Read the rest of this entry →


A Whirlwind of Local Press

A Whirlwind of Local Press

Any active moms out there wanna know the best way to get your soapbox message about healthy outdoor families out there for the world to see?  For starters, you could break your ankle…It did seem rather ironic that the minute I turned into an invalid folks couldn’t wait to talk to me about my active lifestyle!  While part of me felt somewhat hypocritical touting the benefits of family adventures while I was stuck at home on the couch, it at least gave me something to focus on besides feeling sorry for myself.  Here’s a few quick blurbs about some of the latest…Read the rest of this entry →


TRANGO Grassroots Athlete Team 2012

TRANGO Grassroots Athlete Team 2012

I’ve known for a week now and it’s been all I can do to contain my excitement, but now that it’s official I can shout it from the roof tops! Somehow I ended up being chosen as one of the 6 members of Trango’s very first team of sponsored athletes!  If I’m being completely honest I’d have to say I’m rather dumbfounded as to why they would choose me, especially when I compare myself to the rest of the team (2 of whom I know personally and have seen firsthand how awesome they are…).  But regardless, I’m gonna run with it and…Read the rest of this entry →
