Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: In the News

Publications, Mentions, and General “Buzz”

Exciting News for 2012!

Exciting News for 2012!

2012 is shaping up to be an exciting year already, as there have been a few recent developments underway recently that I’m excited to share with everyone.  First off, I just recently had an original article published in Wild Sister Magazine, an online (and soon to be offered in print) magazine that has been up and running for about 7 months. Taken from their “About” page, “Wild Sister is an online empowerment magazine for women who want inspiration, and who believe that by empowering women we can change the world…Wild Sister Magazine liberates souls by delivering authentic inspiration, and sharing stories…Read the rest of this entry →


Mamavation TV’s Next Guest is…


(***For those of you on my email subscriber list – I apologize for the email mix-up this morning.  A post that was planned for later in the week accidentally got published this morning instead of this one…but its been taken down, so if you already clicked on it you just got a sneak preview of whats coming later on in the week 🙂 )  But here’s the intended post for today… …ME!!!  Who would have thought?!?  A few weeks ago I was contacted by the producer of Mamavation TV, a program/webchat that airs live on Monday nights on Mingle TV…Read the rest of this entry →


Latest Cragmama Buzz

Latest Cragmama Buzz

Cragmama’s been recieving a lot of cyber-buzz around the web these days, enough so that I felt like it was important to keep track of all Cragmama “press” in one spot so it can be referred to as a resource.  Hence, the birth of the “Media” page at the top of the site – feel free to check it out from time to time if you want the latest in Cragmama news outside of this site! I just recently have had the opportunity to start writing for PembaServes, a consulting company that represents various brands in the Outdoor Industry.  My first piece was for their…Read the rest of this entry →


Interview with Chicks Climbing


Recently I was asked by Maijalisa Burkert of Chicks Climbing if I was up for an interview.  Who is Chicks Climbing, you might ask?  They are only the premiere go-to place for all things related to women’s climbing, both on ice and on the rocks.  Their instructional clinics  (“Chicks with Picks and “Chicks Rock“) can be found all over the country, where they promote self-reliance by teaching technical skills to help women become knowledgeable, independent climbers.  The theme of both their ice and rock climbing clinics is “Women climbing with women, for women.”   These Chicks also aren’t afraid to give back…Read the rest of this entry →


Tour de Cragmama!!!

Tour de Cragmama!!!

  In case you haven’t noticed – lots of things have changed around here!  For those of you that don’t remember, I had my blog critiqued a few weeks ago, and was given lots of good advice on how to improve my site.  I took most of the suggestions to heart and went to work right away…and voila!  I am so excited to announce that the new Cragmama site is officially up and running!  First off, a HUGE thanks goes out to my brother-in-law, Brent Lineberry, owner and creator of Lineberry Design, for giving me a brand new look!  Also, mad props to Brooke…Read the rest of this entry →
