Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Anything that was too random to fit into any of the other categories!

5 Ways to Have Fun With a Cheap Plastic Pool

5 Ways to Have Fun With a Cheap Plastic Pool

You know the ones I mean – they sell them at Wal-mart for 10 bucks or so.  At first glance they appear to be far too small for anything bigger than a small one year old child to enjoy.  But before you toss it after just one summer, think outside the box a little bit – you might be surprised at what you can do with it!  We used ours for Big C the summer we moved to Charlotte – he had just turned 1, and we hadn’t explored the local pool options yet.  We used it for a couple of…Read the rest of this entry →


Lactation Cookies – Got Milk?

Lactation Cookies – Got Milk?

I know this might not apply to a lot of my readers, but I’ve had enough good feedback and requests for this lactation cookie recipe that it seemed worth sharing on here.  What, pray tell, IS a lactation cookie, you might ask?  It’s nothing more than a cookie filled with various “galactagogues” (substances known to promote healthy breastfeeding.)  But don’t worry guys, you can feel free to indulge also – I promise you won’t spontaneously start lactating, and you’ll probably think they’re yummy 😉 They are EASY to make!  There’s about a million variations of this recipe floating around the…Read the rest of this entry →


Reusable Snack Bags Tutorial

Reusable Snack Bags Tutorial

Last week I posted about greener packaging options for food, whether it be in a lunchbox or on the trail.  One of the ideas that got the most feedback were the homemade fabric bags I made to replace all the ziploc bags we were using on climbing/camping trips.  I had several requests for directions on how to make them, and since I certainly don’t plan on selling them, I’m happy to provide you with the “pattern” I went by.  FYI, I use the term “pattern” pretty loosely, as I’m not sure I’ve ever followed an ACTUAL sewing pattern all the…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragmama T-Shirts Are Here!!!!!

Cragmama T-Shirts Are Here!!!!!

It’s official – the moment you’ve all been waiting for!  (Well, I suppose that might be a little strong…but hopefully a few of you have been at least looking forward to it?)  After I got a lot of positive feedback from various social media outlets, along with some good old-fashioned word of mouth, I decided to move forward with the Cragmama t-shirt idea.  The idea was first planted in my head by David Lithman, owner of Adayak, an online clothing company specializing in outdoor lifestyle wear.  The goal at Adayak (a combination of the words “adventure” and “kayak”) is “to…Read the rest of this entry →


When the Weather Gets Wet…Throw on a Rain Jacket!

When the Weather Gets Wet…Throw on a Rain Jacket!

Not sure if anyone else around the country can relate, but North Carolina has been having some really weird weather lately.  I’ve seen lows in the 20’s (accompanied by ice) and high’s in the 70’s (accompanied by heavy winds) in the span of just one week.  C and I decided to take advantage of one of the warmer days last week with a morning hike at Beatty Park.  The forecast had called for rain, but not until the afternoon, so I packed some water and snacks while C took on the arduous task of deciding which bulldozers got to join us on…Read the rest of this entry →
