Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Anything that was too random to fit into any of the other categories!

Green Hour Connection: Swept Away with Broomstick Fun!

Green Hour Connection:  Swept Away with Broomstick Fun!

To my delight Cragbaby has discovered a love for housekeeping.  I’m not sure where he got that gene from, because both his Mommy and his Daddy are scarcely cleaner than dirty hippies, but I won’t question it.  His favorite cleaning apparatus is the broom, or in his words, the “bwuh, bwuh” and he is ranked as a top cleaner  in the family now.” So the other morning, while hanging out on a blanket underneath our oak trees, searching for cicada shells (another favorite pasttime, more on that here), a light bulb went off in my head – why not celebrate…Read the rest of this entry →


Green Hour Connection: Not Just Your Garden Variety Spider

Green Hour Connection:  Not Just Your Garden Variety Spider

I’ve always been fascinated by spiders.  Not that I want them in my house or anything, although for a while I did entertain the thought of a pet tarantula in college until the roommate nixed the idea.  I’ve just always thought they were kinda cool, and misunderstood by a large portion of our society.  They keep our gardens free of pests, their silk is ounce for ounce stronger than steel, and scientists are researching the properties of their venom for use in green insecticides.  Not to mention that they are among the best climbers on the planet!  So you can…Read the rest of this entry →


Guest Post from Velomom

Guest Post from Velomom

Earlier last week I shared a guest post from Kristen Lummis, the snow bunny component of our Adventure Moms project (@AdventureMoms).  Today’s post will feature our rad biker chick representative, Jen Charette.  A mommy to two boys, software engineer, and co-owner of a bike shop, I can’t imagine when she has time to breathe, let alone bike, but she manages to make it work with style.  Below is a contribution from her about how to get your kiddos inspired about cycling… First, this is not a post on the mechanics of teaching a child to ride a bike. There are plenty of…Read the rest of this entry →


Green Hour Connection: Guest Post from Kristen Lummis


I always enjoy meeting other kindred spirits, whether it be in person or in cyberspace, so I’ve been thrilled to have the opportunity to collaborate recently with 3 other adventurous mommies on a few writing projects we’re cooking up (more on that later, but you can stay in the loop by following us on Twitter @AdventureMoms.  Anyway, Kristen Lummis is one such Mommy, and she graciously offered to contribute a Green Hour post for me!  Kristen’s family is to skiing as ours is to climbing!   She lives in Western Colorado with her husband and two teenage boys, and recently had a…Read the rest of this entry →


Green Hour Connection: Studies in Entomology

Green Hour Connection: Studies in Entomology

Last week Cragbaby wanted to be a pilot.  This week he’s a bug man – and not the exterminator type!  While C has always seemed to have an affinity for creepy-crawlies – ladybugs, carpenter ants, daddy long legs, caterpillars, etc, this week he has become fascinated with cicadas.  Actually it would be most accurate to say he has become fascinated with cicade SHELLS.  For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, more information can be found here.   Basically cicadas are very loud, very scary looking, giant bugs that spend the majority of their life cycle buried in the ground,…Read the rest of this entry →
