Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Gear Reviews

Every climber worth their chalk knows you can never have enough gear! Pros and cons of gear I’ve used, loved, and hated!

Wanna Keep Track of Your Kids? Try CALL ME CUFFS! (and GIVEAWAY!)

Wanna Keep Track of Your Kids?  Try CALL ME CUFFS!  (and GIVEAWAY!)

A lot of people think I’m crazy when I say that I worry more about my toddler at the mall than I do at the crag.  True, on a typical climbing day there are rocks, thorns, and sometimes creepy-crawlies to be on the lookout for.  But we’re usually contained in a somewhat small area and there are several adults around making sure C stays out of trouble.  Contrast that with a typical shopping day at the mall – where C and I are on our own with throngs of shoppers – most of whom couldn’t care less about the possibility…Read the rest of this entry →


Bearded Brothers Bars are Bangin’! (and GIVEAWAY!)

Bearded Brothers Bars are Bangin’! (and GIVEAWAY!)

How’s that for alliteration?!?  And it’s the truth too!  Recently bearded brother Caleb offered to send me a few bars to try out for free in exchange for an honest review.  I (inaccurately) assumed they would be more or less like any other energy bar I’ve tried, but would come with a heftier price tag being that they are handmade and 100% organic.  (How’s that for honesty…)  But as you may have guessed from the title of this post, these bars are anything but ordinary!   Here’s some background on the “Beardies”: Bearded Brothers is an organic snack food company…Read the rest of this entry →


An “Experience Gift”…and the Need for Speed

An “Experience Gift”…and the Need for Speed

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been the type of person that values a meaningful experience more than tangible luxuries.  I’d rather have a giant birthday bash with friends than open a ton of presents.  Family vacations rank higher on the to-do list than replacing kitchen countertops.  And gift cards are always more enjoyable to spend on a shopping date with the giver.  That being said, when Cloud 9 Living introduced themselves to me as a company that offered “experiences rather than stuff,” I knew this was my kind of company.   Founded in 2005 in Boulder Colorado,…Read the rest of this entry →


Two Thumbs Up for Wizbang! (and a GIVEAWAY!)

Two Thumbs Up for Wizbang! (and a GIVEAWAY!)

Recently I had the opportunity to review a headband from Wizbang.  Besides having a catchy name, Wizbang is a company that fashions hats and headbands for women and children, based out of Bozeman, Montana.  Those of you that know me are probably aware of my love affair with hair paraphernalia of all types.  If a headband, hat, or all of the above is not physically on my head, you can rest assured it’s probably within an arm’s length away, especially if I’m doing something active.  Needless to say, when Wizbang Head Honcho Kim Scurry asked if I’d be willing to…Read the rest of this entry →


Toddlers and Helmets – From Bike to Crag…

Toddlers and Helmets – From Bike to Crag…

My husband and I have always been fans of the brain bucket.  Climbing, biking, horseback riding, driving down I-77 during rush hour (one of these might be an exaggeration)…when it comes to adventures in the outdoors, many of our family photos involve a collage of hard hats.  In the climbing world, this sometimes makes us seem a little bit dorky – while there are some climbing situations where I don’t wear my helmet, 90% of the time I’ve got one on if I’m more than 15 feet off the ground (for a more detailed version of my helmet stance for…Read the rest of this entry →
