Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Gear Reviews

Every climber worth their chalk knows you can never have enough gear! Pros and cons of gear I’ve used, loved, and hated!

Why You Need a Pair of Tenayas in Your Climbing Shoe Quiver

Why You Need a Pair of Tenayas in Your Climbing Shoe Quiver

When I found out a few months ago that Tenaya would be joining Trango under the Great Trango Holdings, Inc umbrella, my first thought was, “YES!!!  Free shoes!”  But then my second thought was, “Geez, what if I don’t like them?!?”  I mean let’s be honest here.  Though at first glance many climbers may seem like easy gear junkies who will try anything and everything if its free, the majority of our flirtations with gimmicky swag is just temporary before we toss it aside in favor of our old stand-by gear.  And there’s probably no piece of climbing gear that…Read the rest of this entry →


A Peachy KEEN Start to Fall with Toddler Hiking Boots

A Peachy KEEN Start to Fall with Toddler Hiking Boots

When I first showed Cragbaby the brand new box of Keen Alamosa WP Hiking Boots that had arrived on our doorstep together with my twisted X boots and shoes, the first thing he said was, “Peachy Keen.”  Really, he did.  But it probably had more to do with his current infatuation with the “Veggie Tales” theme song than his knowledge of 1950’s slang.  He tore open the box and enthusiastically jumped into my lap so I could help him put on his shoes.  While I crammed his wiggly little toddler feet into them, I told them that these were his…Read the rest of this entry →


Stonewear Designs – A Review Collage (and GIVEAWAY!!!)

Stonewear Designs – A Review Collage (and GIVEAWAY!!!)

All right ladies.  The Stonewear Designs team has just released their Fall Collection, so I figured it would be a great time to weigh in on what I think of this awesome company.  And just who the heck is Stonewear Designs?  I was hoping you might ask…Stonewear Designs is a technical women’s apparel company that has been around since 1996.  Originally filling a much-needed market niche for women’s climbing clothing, they have expanded their product lines to include clothing appropriate for all sorts of active lifestyles – whether it be at the crag, in the gym, or even in the…Read the rest of this entry →


TRANGO Cinch – A Belayer’s Best Friend

TRANGO Cinch – A Belayer’s Best Friend

So let’s say hypothetically that your favorite climbing partner’s birthday was coming up, and you were looking for the perfect gift to give to the person that holds your life in their hands week after week.  You could probably be successful with the token REI gift card or treat them to a post-climbing feast – climbers generally aren’t that hard to please.  But if you wanted to be a little more selfish efficient in your gift-giving, you would do well to consider the TRANGO Cinch, as odds are it’ll make you both happy.  Why your belayer will like it… –…Read the rest of this entry →


RokRok Chalkbags Review

RokRok Chalkbags Review

Want an example of perfect timing?  I was contacted by Leilani Pierson, the beauty and the brains behind RokRok Chalkbags, just a few days before our climbing trip to Tennessee.  She asked if I’d be willing to choose any bag I wanted from her collection of gorgeous, handmade chalkbags, to review here on the site.  Begrudgingly, I said yes.  Just kidding.  Of course I jumped at the chance, especially once I saw how amazing and unique each bag was – I had a really hard time deciding on just one, so I listed a couple of favorites for Leilani to…Read the rest of this entry →
