Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Gear Reviews

Every climber worth their chalk knows you can never have enough gear! Pros and cons of gear I’ve used, loved, and hated!

Julbo Kid’s Eyewear: I Gotta Wear Shades…

Julbo Kid’s Eyewear:  I Gotta Wear Shades…

Everybody knows that kids need lots of healthy doses of sunshine, right?  Well, yes and no.  Sunshine, yes!  Harmful UV rays, no.  Most of us in this day and age are aware of the damaging effects of the sun, (probably due to lessons learned the hard way back in our younger years…).  However, while a lot of parents are religious about lathering up the sunscreen on the kiddos before sending them outside, I’d wager that many of those same parents don’t think twice about protecting their child’s eyes from the sun. Did you know that children under the age of…Read the rest of this entry →


Misty Mountain Threadworks: A Review

Misty Mountain Threadworks:  A Review

A couple of months ago I was contacted by Mike Grimm, owner of Misty Mountain Threadworks.  He asked if he could make me a harness, and after hemming and hawing for a while, I told him I’d have to think about it…Just kidding, of course I jumped on the offer!  Misty Mountain is a well-respected local company that has been around for quite a while.  They have a reputation for not only developing superior products, but also for a committment to sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint. After a few emails back and forth followed by some detailed instructions regarding…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby’s Big Boy Climbing Gear – Part 2 (La Sportiva Stick-It)

Cragbaby’s Big Boy Climbing Gear – Part 2 (La Sportiva Stick-It)

Since Cragbaby was an especially good boy this year, he not only scored a Mad Rock Chalkbag, but also his very own pair of rock shoes – the La Sportiva Stick-Its!  Although the chalkbag is both fun and functional, C is absolutely in love with his rock shoes.  As soon as we get to the crag, C demands to be geared up so that he can get to sending his own projects in the area. Here’s what Cragbaby likes about his new shoes… 1.  They are fun colors. 2.  He can velcro the straps off and on all by himself.…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby’s Big Boy Climbing Gear – Part 1 (Mad Rock Chalkbag)

Cragbaby’s Big Boy Climbing Gear – Part 1 (Mad Rock Chalkbag)

I mentioned sometime before Christmas that Cragbaby had a few key pieces of climbing gear on his list – namely a chalkbag and a pair of rock shoes!  Ever since he found all of his big boy toys under the tree, C has been dying to get out and take them for a test spin.  Luckily for him we’ve had spectacular weather for the majority of January, so he’s had ample opportunity to sport his new duds! Here’s what Cragbaby likes about his new chalkbag… 1.  It has a monkey on it. 2.  The drawstring is fun to cinch open…Read the rest of this entry →


Gear Review: EMS Longtrail 60L Women’s Backpack

Gear Review:  EMS Longtrail 60L Women’s Backpack

I recently had the opportunity to review the latest pack from Eastern Mountain Sports – the Women’s Longtrail 60L pack.  In the interest of full disclosure, EMS provided the pack for free, but as always, everything expressed here are my honest and unbiased thoughts – in other words, my opinion can’t be bought with gear 😉  . Anyway, this isn’t the first time I’ve reviewed a pack.  A few months ago I outlined our family’s system for schlepping gear to the crag and listed the pros and cons of the Kelty Kid Carrier that we use for toting Cragbaby to…Read the rest of this entry →
