Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Gear Reviews

Every climber worth their chalk knows you can never have enough gear! Pros and cons of gear I’ve used, loved, and hated!

New Gear From Red Fox NA

New Gear From Red Fox NA

  If you haven’t heard of Red Fox, listen up because their stores are popping up all over the world these days (literally!)  This outdoor company was started in 1989 at the base of the Caucasus mountains by Russian mountaineers Aleksandr Glushkovsky and Vladimir Moroz – and now in addition to over 30 Russian locations, Red Fox has brought its products onto the international scene.  In 2014 the company expanded to Nepal, Switzerland, and Colorado. My first connection with this company started last fall, when I was asked to write about their Speedster 14 pack on the Red Fox NA (North America)  website…Read the rest of this entry →


Petzl MACCHU + BODY = Perfect Climbing Harness for Growing Kids (and GIVEAWAY!)

Petzl MACCHU + BODY = Perfect Climbing Harness for Growing Kids (and GIVEAWAY!)

It’s been a little over a year since Big C began to “for real” climb on our family outings.  While he’s still a little hit or miss in the outdoor realm (sometimes there’s not a suitable route for him to try, other times it’s more fun to dig in the dirt than put his harness on), I’ve made it a point to try and get him to the climbing gym at least once a week.  We don’t stay long – usually no more than 45 minutes or so, and that includes gearing up and down, and getting Baby Z situated…Read the rest of this entry →


2014 Holiday Gift Guide for Outdoor Kids

2014 Holiday Gift Guide for Outdoor Kids

Looking for some ideas for your favorite adventurous kiddo this holiday season?  Here’s a list of some gift ideas based on our experiences adventuring as a family of four this past year.  I’ve listed a general gift, why it  makes a great gift, as well as  specific brand recommendations that have worked for us (and of course, where to find them!)  Depending on how much of a gear junkie your child is (it’s hereditary in our family) these items may or may not be found in a letter to Santa (in fact, some of these items are more of a gift to help mom and…Read the rest of this entry →


The New Tenaya Tarifa is Here!

The New Tenaya Tarifa is Here!

I’ve found a new favorite shoe.  It’s called the Tenaya Tarifa.  It. Is. Awesome.  This shoe takes the term “versatility” to a whole new level.  It really can do it ALL…and comfortably! Let me back up a bit.  I first got a crack at these shoes a little over a month ago.  Although the addition of a 4th family member caused me to take a step back from working events and demos for the time being, the folks at Trango/Tenaya thankfully still love me enough to send me a care package of their newest products for fall – most notably,…Read the rest of this entry →


TIGHTS! A Review Round-up (and Discount Code from Ellie!)

TIGHTS! A Review Round-up (and Discount Code from Ellie!)

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so, you have probably noticed a rather alarming cyclical trend when it comes to the latest women’s workout fashions.  As in…the 1980’s called and wants their spandex back?!?  As a climber, I can definitely dig it.  Look at any old school climbing pics and you will quickly realize that lycra was a way of life for the pioneers of our sport.  Tapping in to my inner 80’s childhood almost seems like a fitting homage to pay to my sport of choice.  That being said, I’ve been easing in to it…Read the rest of this entry →
