Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Gear Reviews

Every climber worth their chalk knows you can never have enough gear! Pros and cons of gear I’ve used, loved, and hated!

Review: Beachfront (and Poolside!) Babywearing

Review: Beachfront (and Poolside!) Babywearing

Though I suppose summer has only “officially” been here for a few days, the thermometer outside certainly says otherwise!  And as the temperatures (and humidity, ugh!) have risen slowly but surely this past month, we’ve had to get a little more creative with our babywearing.  You see, while I’m a big fan of all of the benefits that come from keeping baby in snuggly, skin to skin contact with mom, I am NOT a fan of the sweltering sweat fest it creates during the warmer months.  Warm and fuzzy turns into hot and stinky in a heartbeat, which can be unpleasant…Read the rest of this entry →


The Latest in “Pre-hab” Products…and Giveaways Galore!

The Latest in “Pre-hab” Products…and Giveaways Galore!

As I’ve gotten older wiser, I’ve found myself more and more interested in “pre-hab,” meaning proactively doing something to prevent an injury BEFORE it happens.  (This is opposed to REHAB, which is what you have to do to restore your body back to its original, healthy state AFTER an injury has occurred.)  This could mean loosening tight muscles through trigger point massage, realigning the body through yoga or chiropractic care, or even just making the right nutritional choices to help your body refuel and rebuild.  While a lot of pre-hab can be done without any extra pieces of equipment, our…Read the rest of this entry →


Postpartum Weight Loss and the Weight Gurus SMART Scale

Postpartum Weight Loss and the Weight Gurus SMART Scale

Our family ordinarily doesn’t keep a scale in the house.  Honestly for me personally, having a scale available 24/7 is a slippery slope that can easily lead to obsession, and I’ve learned the hard way that I’m much happier when I’m not tempted to be a slave to the number on the scale.  Besides (pregnancy aside of course), I’m active enough and eat healthy enough that my weight doesn’t really fluctuate that much anyway. That being said, when the folks at Weight Gurus contacted me just a few weeks before Baby Z was born and offered to send me their…Read the rest of this entry →


How the Boba 4G Makes Me Feel Like SuperMom!

How the Boba 4G Makes Me Feel Like SuperMom!

Some of you may remember that I reviewed the Boba 4G Carrier for toddler use last fall (find it here.)  And as good as it worked out for my then 3 year old, I’m happy to report that it is even better for my newborn little girl!  What makes it so great?  Let me count the ways… 1.  EASY IN/OUT – Once the straps are adjusted, I can easily get baby girl in and out of it all by myself.  When C was a newborn, I remember there being quite a learning curve with using the majority of our carriers…Read the rest of this entry →


New Book Series for Outdoor Kiddos from Grow Exploring!

New Book Series for Outdoor Kiddos from Grow Exploring!

Recently our family was asked if we’d review a new series of books aimed at teaching young kiddos about outdoor recreational equipment.  Considering that our outdoor gear junkie family is always on the lookout for unique reading material relevant to our lifestyle, this book series seemed right up our alley! We received four books – Let’s Go Climbing, Let’s Go Rafting, Let’s Go Skiing, and C is for Camping.  The first three all have the same format – counting different commonly used items in that particular sport, starting with 1 on the first page, and ending with 10 on the…Read the rest of this entry →
