Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Sentimental Snapshots

Pictures from way back in the archives that deserve some time in the spotlight!

A Good Reminder from a Toddler…

A Good Reminder from a Toddler…

  “Hey Mommy, I love you,” says a little voice coming from beside my bed.  I smile and say it back, fumbling in the early morning light as I lean over to help my struggling toddler climb into bed with me without whacking me on the head with the armload of books he’s toting.  He cozies up into the nook of my shoulder, all the while pronouncing his love for “sweet, snuggly Mommy.”  Somedays we’ll snuggle in silence for almost an hour (especially if we fall back asleep!), and other times it’s only for 15 minutes.  Sometimes he’ll get bored with me and roll…Read the rest of this entry →


Setting Your Mind: From a Toddler’s Perspective

Setting Your Mind:  From a Toddler’s Perspective

 “You can do anything you set your mind to.” Benjamin Franklin said it first, but it’s been said millions (and probably billions) of times since then.  It’s one of those inspirational, “action phrases.”  Teachers say it to their students to motivate them to aim high, and parents whisper it to their children to encourage them to dream big.  I’m sure we’ve all heard someone say it to us at some point, and in turn, I’m sure we’ve all said it to someone else.   It’s also the phrase that immediately popped into my head when I saw this picture.  Some…Read the rest of this entry →


Just Like Daddy!

Just Like Daddy!

“Just like Daddy, Mommy,” says Cragbaby with a beaming smile, as he carefully pre-loads his plastic power drill with a toy screw and prepares to drill into the wall.  My heart melts, as I glance up from my gardening to see my two favorite boys hard at work on the side of the house, one the spitting image of the other.  With every passing day, it becomes more and more apparent that C watches our every move, absorbing each word, action, and deed like a sponge.  On the one hand, it’s charming and sweet.  On the other hand, there’s a…Read the rest of this entry →


Through a Toddler’s Eyes

Through a Toddler’s Eyes

Before I became a mom, I remember hearing people say that one of the best things about parenting is the joy of discovering the world again through the eyes of a child.  In the past 2 and a half (almost 3, where does the time go!) years that C has been around, I’ve certainly found that to be true.  For instance, I never really gave bulldozers a second thought.  But C is crazy about them (as well as excavators, steam rollers, and the like, whenever the chance arises, he will visit the skid steer rental in Vancouver ).  And much to…Read the rest of this entry →
