Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Category Archives: Sentimental Snapshots

Pictures from way back in the archives that deserve some time in the spotlight!

Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

I know it probably sounds cliche, but I also know that every parent knows exactly what I’m talking about – it’s so hard to believe he’s already 2!  Where did the time go?  All those days functioning on 2 hours of sleep, the all-night nursing buffets, hours of daily chores performed wearing a snuggly baby wrapped up close to my heart – some of those days seemed to literally crawl by, yet here we are, celebrating C’s 2 year birthday…So many memories, so many firsts (and lasts), it would be easy to get kinda down about my baby growing up, except that…Read the rest of this entry →


10 Years: What a Long Strange Trip it’s Been…

10 Years:  What a Long Strange Trip it’s Been…

For the cynical, bitter-hearted among us, lookout – this post is dripping with sappiness! But I figured I’m allowed. Not only did I write a Valentine’s Day post that was anti-cheeseball just a few weeks ago, but today my hubby and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage!!!  I look back and 2002 seems like a lifetime ago.  In some ways it seems like the years have gone by at the speed of light (especially the past 2…), but in other ways it seems like Steve has always been a part of my life.  From playing in the nursery together,…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: My Little Tree Hugger

Sentimental Snapshots:  My Little Tree Hugger

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Sentimental Snapshot photo on here.  It’s just that there have been so many other exciting things going on to write about, I’ve hardly had a spare moment.  But as I was looking through my pictures the other day trying to find something specific for another piece of writing that I’m doing, I stumbled across this shot. This photo was taken this past fall, towards the end of October.  Cragbaby had just learned how to say the word “tree,” and was pretty darn excited about saying it as often as he could.  A…Read the rest of this entry →


Sentimental Snapshots: The Stink Face

Sentimental Snapshots:  The Stink Face

Sometime in early December my little stand-up comic realized that he could get quite the reaction by furrowing his eyebrows and glaring in a rather “Omen-like” sort of way…Although he doesn’t do it as much anymore (funny how baby trends go in and out of style faster than what’s on the red carpet), C’s “stink-face”, as we christened it, was the source of quite a few dinnertime guffaws. Upon seeing the stink-face out of context, you might mistakenly assume that C is angry, frustrated, mad, or some combination of the three.  But the funny thing is that C only chooses…Read the rest of this entry →
