Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

KidORCA: Our New Favorite Toddler Mud Boot!

Not sure about yours, but our household never has a shortage of mud.  While some seasons of the year are decidedly more notorious than others, I find myself battling muddy feet, clothes, shoes, hair (yes, hair!), sometimes on a daily basis.  It’s like every mud puddle has an irrestisible gravitational pull around it that my kids are destined to become one with.  Which is why, in our household, there is also never a shortage of mud boots.  Many times we happen upon free boots in exchange for an honest gear review – you can find our previous love for STONZ and MyMayu here and here.  Other times we fill in the size gaps at our local consignment shop, because with my kids, we can’t be without a good pair of boots for even a day.


Which is why I hope you’ll believe me when I tell you how excited I am about a new line of kid boots from a brand new company called KidORCA.  One of the things I love about this company is that they were born out of a family that sounds a lot like ours – active kiddos that love to get wet!  But what I love the most, of course, is that the product they’ve come up with is top notch.  Our experience with them has been (almost) perfect!


  1.  These boots are completely waterproof – up to the mid-thigh!  Seriously.  The extendable gaitor leg adds a couple of extra inches of ABOVE THE KNEE dry coverage to Little Z’s chubby toddler thighs.  She has literally fallen on her bum while wading in a shallow creek, and while the side of her that landed in the water was of course wet, all body parts covered by the boot were still dry as a bone.  (As long as they are cinched up tight enough, more on that below!)
  2. These boots are so versatile in that your child doesn’t have to have all that extra coverage when it’s unnecessary.  He/she can fold the gaitor legs down and look cute everywhere from the hiking trail to the grocery store…then just extend them when everyone’s ready to make a splash.
  3. The inner lining of these boots is a thin fleece, which helps keep feet dry AND warm.  After a several hours tromping around in wet, slushy snow at the snowtubing park, Little Z’s feet were still warm to the touch, with only a single pair of wool socks.


The only somewhat negative experience that we have had with these boots was the very first time we took them out into the creek at the end of our street.  We had sized up in order to maximize our use out of the boots, and that combined with the rocky bottom made for a very unsteady toddler who eventually found herself bottoms up.  Clearly I hadn’t cinched the boots as tight as I should have because the inside of the boots got soaking wet.  While I’d expected the inside of the boots to get wet after being completely submerged for several seconds, I was disappointed in the amount of time it took for them to dry, due to the inner fleece lining.

Eventually (after several days), I took a blow dryer to them, which helped out considerably.  I contacted KidORCA about the issue, and they recommended the balled up newspaper trick (duh, it works with my running shoes, not sure why I didn’t think of that!)  I haven’t tried it yet on Z’s boots, because as I stated earlier, when the boots are cinched nice and tight, they are leak-proof even in total immersion, so we’ve yet to encounter wet boots again!

These boots are less packable than others that I’ve seen, but the complete coverage makes it worth hauling them in if your child doesn’t want to hike in them…but Z seems happy as a little river otter in them, and would probably wear them around the house if I let her.  She loves that they are yellow, and especially loves the “shark” (it’s actually an orca…but try and tell her that.)


Currently, you can only buy these boots in toddler sizes, which my bigfoot son was pretty disappointed about initially.  But according to KidORCA, their next design will offer bigger sizes up to around 10 years old.  Maybe after that they’ll consider expanding their line to include mom (and dad) sizes…but until then, anyone that knows an avid little adventurer in little kid sizes 7-12 is welcome to enter a giveaway, generously sponsored by KidORCA!  To enter, just leave a comment about how/when/where your favorite explorer would get the most use out of the boots, and fill out the rafflecopter widget below.  Contest will run through Valentine’s Day.


2016: Tis the Season for a Year in Review


Mirage 12c

In my tick list for 2016 I stated that one of my main goals was to “focus more on the process than crossing something off the list.”  And by that I meant that I wanted to be more picky in the routes that I invest extra time on, choosing quality over quantity.  At the end of 2015 I found myself easily frustrated at the amount of routes I had “unfinished business” on.  Our family’s climb time is at a premium, and the logistics of getting back to certain climbs with an extra partner often ends up being a crux.  So this year I made a point of giving myself a free pass to walk away from routes I didn’t necessarily feel called back to – just because I believe I CAN send it doesn’t mean I HAVE to.  In other words, if it’s fun and feels worth my while, give it another go, train for it, etc.  If not, leave it undone for now…or forever!

Practically speaking, this meant spending MORE time on LESS routes, often choosing to try something harder that I knew I probably wouldn’t send rather than logging more mileage at a more comfortable grade/style.  The result was that I wound up with far fewer ticks on my sending belt than the previous year…but the ones I did get are a lot more meaningful.

It’s also no surprise that many of my year end highlights did not result in an updated 8a card.  But the following are my top ten climbing moments of 2016.

10. “TRY HARD” BOULDERING:  This summer the CragDaddy challenged me to step up my bouldering game at the gym.  Power tends to always crop up as a weakness of mine, and I’ve decided that it’s actually just as much a movement/coordination issue as it is strength/power; ie, I default to static movement that often times doesn’t allow me to “tap in” to any power that I might already have.  Anyway, I surprised myself and actually had a LOT of fun throwing myself around the boulder problems at the gym, and I’ve seen some really good gains.  Who knows, maybe next year’s tick list will include some boulder problems?

9.  LEGALIZE IT 12a and WAKE AND BAKE 11d (Red River Gorge) – After blowing the flash right at the end of the 12, I redeemed myself with a pretty casual second go send, and an onsight of it’s slightly easier next door neighbor.  Not my hardest onsight ever, but hardest one in at least a year, probably since Ten Sleep last summer.

8.  GALUNLATI 12b (Red River Gorge):  This is the route that made me fall in love with the Solarium, which is now my favorite crag at the Red.  Not only is it awesome, but it was my first (and so far only) 12b at the Red.

Enjoying the view from the Tree Ledge

Stone Mountain multi-pitch with the CragKiddo

7.  BLACKHAPPY 12b (New River Gorge) – I knew I wasn’t going to send this one on my 2nd go.  But it went a lot better than I expected, and I was happy that I gave it another effort rather than  finding something easier to end the day on.  It’s a long hike in for the kids, but I’m optimistic that I’ll be able to work on this one some more next spring.

Line of Fire 12c Photo creds: Justin Hedrick

Line of Fire 12c Photo creds: Justin Hedrick

6.  ORANGE JUICE 12c (Red River Gorge) – I’ve been dying to touch this route ever since I first laid eyes on it in 2012.  I knew I didn’t have the guns for it then (and I’m not sure I do now…).  But I sure was psyched to give it a couple of tries this past November, and after feeling how hard those upper cruxes were, I’m even more psyched I was able to execute all the moves on point.  No send, and no plans to come back any time soon, as neither the hike nor the cliff base are great for the kids.  But experiencing this 5 star classic that I’d wondered about for so many years was amazing!

5.  CRAGKIDDO’s 1st MULTI-PITCH – I wasn’t the only one that came to terms with walking away with unfinished business this year.  Big C experienced this when we had to bail just one pitch below the summit on his very first multi-pitch endeavor at Stone Mountain back in February.  Despite not making it to the top, I was so proud of how brave he was (and he was too, once he got down and saw where our high point was on the mountain!)

4.  MIRAGE 12c (Red River Gorge):  Did I mention that I love the Solarium?  This one was a completely unexpected send at the end of a fabulous spring weekend at the RRG.

3.  TIPS AHOY 12d (Hawksbill Mountain):  First ever 12d!  Sharp microcrimps on an ever so slightly overhanging face…if only I could find a zillion more like this.

Tips Ahoy 12dPhoto: Joe Virtanen

Tips Ahoy 12dPhoto: Joe Virtanen

2.  LINE OF FIRE 12c (Hawksbill Mountain):  Even though grade-wise this one is easier than the previous one, I think I’m more proud of this send.  In the same breath everyone told me I’d like Tips, they also told me that I probably wouldn’t like Line of Fire, due to the dynamic, bouldery moves.  My first time up, I agreed with everyone else, and I only got on it again because the CragDaddy was still working Tips.  It took a while to find beta that worked for me, but the 7th try was the charm, and when it went I had it so dialed in it almost felt easy.

1. JESUS AND TEQUILA 12b (New River Gorge) – Last year I said that if I sent only one route the entire year, I wanted this one to be it, and if that truly was the only one, I’d count the year as a success. I’ve got a lot of emotion wrapped up in this one, and I know that it’s one of those that I’ll still remember vividly when I’m old, gray, and can’t even toprope my kids’ warm-ups.  After multiple heartbreaker attempts, crushing this one in unexpectedly fine style this past November was by far the highlight of the year!

And that’s that!  Please don’t let me spray by myself…I’d love to hear about your favorite achievements this past year (climbing related or not!)  So comment below so we can cyber clink our glasses to 2016.



Our Family is Getting Hi-Tec

Well, the shoes, that is.  As for the other, one person in our family has always been high tech enough to have the rest of us all covered.  But back to the shoes.  Recently I was contacted by Hi-Tec, a company that is probably a household name for anyone that likes to hike, backpack, or pretty much do anything outside that requires a solid pair of shoes.  They asked if our whole family (minus Little Z, since they don’t carry sizes small enough for her!), would be interested in testing out some footwear of our choice for review.  As if we would say no…

Anyway, we each chose a favorite pair, and have been putting them through the ringer ever since.  I was looking for a boot that would be a good crossover between morning playdates, afternoon hikes, and a casual evening out with friends.  I went for the Sierra Tarma, and it totally fits the bill.  Supportive, comfy, and surprisingly warm!  The first time I wore them was at a weekend women’s retreat in the NC mountains a few weeks ago.  They were the only shoes I brought and they were perfect – not to mention I got loads of compliments on them!

Cragmama's Shoes

Cragmama’s Shoes

The CragDaddy was looking for some approach shoes/light hikers, and went with the Bandera Low WP.  His review gave high marks in comfort and traction, even in steep terrain on slippery fall leaves.  He really appreciated that they were offered in wide sizes.  The one drawback he noted was that there was no loop on the heel to clip his shoes to his pack/harness with a carabiner.  Not a big deal for hiking or for the everyday craggin’ we tend to do as a family, but these shoes would not be a good choice on multipitch endeavors due to an inability to carry them with you on the rock.

CragDaddy's Shoes

CragDaddy’s Shoes

Big C got the Hillside Low Junior.  The traction is top notch, and the low tops keep his feet from getting hot and bulky when he transitions from outside to inside play.  They are equally great for playgrounding, neighborhood walks, as well as muddy hikes.  And the laces stay tied well, which is very convenient for beginning shoe-tie-ers and their frustrated ever-patient parents.

Cragkiddo's Shoes

Cragkiddo’s Shoes

Bottom line?  These shoes are durable and well-made, and my guess is that they will be in our shoe arsenal for years to come.  Well, for me and the CragDaddy anyway.  For Big C only if I can somehow figure out how to keep him from growing.  But if that doesn’t happen, they will make great hand-me-downs when they are done with round 1!



Hey-o, Veyo’s Back!

Ok so this darling little company that makes amazing kid’s mittens didn’t actually go anywhere, but I reeeeaaaally wanted that to be the title of my post, so indulge me please.  Although if you live in the South, you probably haven’t given winter gear a second thought since, say, February.  But it’s that time of year again, the time when you drag out all that winter wear and realize JUST HOW MUCH your kiddos have grown in a matter of mere months (and also how much you love that cute pair of super warm boots…but that’s for another post.)

Straight outta the box first impressions...

Straight outta the box first impressions…

So for those of you with kiddos that have completely outgrown their previous pair of mittens, let me reintroduce you to Veyo Kids, a small family company whose mission is to “end thumb wars once and for all!”  Designing a mitten that is easy on and off for baby/toddler sized hands that actually keeps hands WARM and DRY is no small feat, I am certain.  We loved this mitts last year…but the updates they have made this year means this little piece of gear is shaping up to be a winter favorite.

First off, the mitts dry even faster than before.  I love that we can come inside at lunch, turn them inside out, and they are dry and ready to go again after naptime.  What’s more, these mitts are not just water resistant during snow play…they kept Little Zu’s hands dry even when submerged in a bucket of ice cold water!!!  To be honest, I would have thought that a water dunking challenge would be too much to ask from any glove, but Veyo Kids actually suggested that we try it to test it out!  (And as a side note, please tell me that my children are not the only ones who dig the water table every season of the year…)

Last year Little Z had penguin mittyz, while Big C got tiger paws.  But this year Little Z is psyched about the newest pattern designs, so that she can be a little pink tiger right alongside her big bro!  Anyone else want a pair?  Veyo Kids has graciously agreed to give out a pair each to not one but TWO lucky Cragmama readers!  And if you can’t wait for the contest to end you can get these mittyz for 25% off AND free shipping through Cyber Monday.  (And if you buy some for your child and end up winning a free pair…no worries, the extra pair would make a great Christmas gift for a niece, nephew, or neighbor!  To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter widget below.  Comment on the blog with your favorite Veyo Kids design, and be sure to visit their facebook page for an extra entry!  Contest will run thru December 1, and the winner will be contacted and announced via social media shortly thereafter.  Happy mitt-ing!


Red River Gorge in November

Orange Juice 12c in all of it's fall glory

Orange Juice 12c in all of it’s fall glory

While my heart will probably forever belong to the New, I do really like the Red, and I so wish the Red was a lot closer.  I also wish it was a lot less crowded.  But one thing we didn’t have to wish for this past weekend was better climbing conditions…because it was darn near perfect!

Our first day was spent at Funk Rock City.  Yes, our motivated crew of 3 adults and 3 children (two of which are under 3) did the 45 minute slog across the creek and up the mountain side just so that I could finally try a route I’d been drooling over since 2012 – Orange Juice 12c. (Thanks guys!)  My trip got off to a great start with an onsight of OJ’s easier next door neighbor – There Goes the Neighborhood 11c.

Orange Juice ascends a beautiful, vertical, orange face littered with pockets and small edges.  There are 3 cruxes on the route, with fairly mellow (11a?) climbing in between.  The first crux is probably the easiest of the three, but also the scariest because it’s not that high off the ground.  The next one is a super long move from okay crimps to a jug.  Of the seven people who worked this route that day (yes 7…on a weekday?!?), all of them dyno’d except for the CragDaddy and I. The final crux was in my opinion by far the hardest – a slopey crimp/mono pocket combo to a big move off of a pair of “snake-eye” mono pockets.  Once again, CragDaddy and I did something completely different than everyone else, and only slightly different than each other (they all went right, we went left…)

CragDaddy on Abiyoyo 12b

CragDaddy on Abiyoyo 12b

Due to the crowds I only got in 2 burns, neither of which was anywhere close to a send, but I felt really good about being able to figure out my own beta for all of the moves.  It’s too bad it’s such a pain to get back to, otherwise I’d say this route would be on the short list for next spring for sure….and it still might be, even so!

Day 2 the CragDaddy got to choose the destination, and he chose the Solarium at Muir Valley, where he was hoping to earn redemption on his project from last spring – Abiyoyo 12b.  I had mixed feelings about getting on it with him.  The guide book says that the crux move will feel significantly harder if you are sub 5’8″ (I’m 5’5″).  On the one hand, I’ve been working really hard on climbing “tall,” and this crux would be a good test.  On the other hand, one of the reasons I love the Red is that it typically doesn’t have those giant blank sections of wall devoid of intermediate features (the ones that you see all the time at the New, even randomly on routes that are otherwise pretty easy.)

But after weighing my options, my curiousity got the better of me, as well as the fact that CragDaddy and I really enjoy working routes together.  The verdict?  “The move” is definitely harder for me than CragDaddy.  He can skip a nice row of sloping crimps that I have trouble getting established on without being too extended to move my feet up.  I actually ended up skipping those holds as well, and ended up doing a weird pinch thing off of two tiny pockets that were several inches below the row of crimps.  However, considering the huge jug rest right before the crux (and especially considering the sit down rest in the hueco 10 feet below that), the one move wonder didn’t feel any harder than V5 or so for me, which still seems very reasonable for a 12b, especially a “reachy” one.  If this route was at the New, nothing at all would be mentioned about the move being height dependent.

If fun was measured in dirt, these guys would have the most.

If fun was measured in dirt, these guys would have the most.

That being said…neither of us sent the route.  I kept falling at the crux, but CragDaddy got extremely close on his last attempt – the crux itself may be fairly easy for him, but the next few moves are long and powerful and pack a pump pretty quick.  Thanks to the crowds (again) we were both disappointed at the amount of climbing we were able to get in (6 pitches in 2 days…and we were first in the parking lot both days.)


So for our last day, we opted for an area we’d never been to, but looked off the beaten path enough to avoid the throngs of forearm blasters – the slab/vertical climbing at Crossroads in the PMRP.  And what a great choice!  Our warm-up, Fairweather Friends 10d, was super fun, and I was able to walk away with two more great sends. Legalize It 12a was soooo close to a flash for me, until I botched a foot placement right at the last bolt.  It went 2nd go pretty easily, which allowed me to hit a milestone of 50 lifetime 5.12 ticks!  My last route of the trip also ended on a “high” note – a hanging draws onsight of Wake and Bake 11d.

There are no words for this much cute and dirt.

There are no words for this much cute and dirt.

All in all – such a great trip!  We all tried hard and stretched ourselves out of our comfort zone.  (And congrats to fellow cragmama Rebekah for ticking her first 11c AND leading her first 5.12!)  We had so much fun on our last day that we ended up staying far later than we originally anticipated.  Ordinarily getting back at midnight would just be mildly unpleasant, but walking into a 55 degree house at midnight (thank you, broken heater!) was downright miserable.  But it was still worth it, especially since our climbing trips for the rest of the year will consist of whatever days we can squeeze in amidst the holiday chaos.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

