Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: baby #2

Craggin’ at Pilot Mountain – 20 Weeks Pregnant

Craggin’ at Pilot Mountain – 20 Weeks Pregnant

Pilot Mountain brings about a mixed bag of sentiments for most North Carolina climbers.  Most  beginners LOVE it, and it’s easy to see why – the approach is short, top-roping access is easy, and there are heavy concentrations of routes in the 5.5-5.9 range.  However, once climbers get a little bit of experience under their belts, it’s not uncommon for them to suddenly start sneering their nose up at the crag that taught them how to climb.  It’s crowded, often overrun with large groups of boy scouts, youth groups, and outdoor meet-ups that may or may not share the same…Read the rest of this entry →


My Stonewear Designs “Preggo Picks” (and a GIVEAWAY!)

My Stonewear Designs “Preggo Picks” (and a GIVEAWAY!)

Tomorrow marks the official halfway point of my pregnancy – 20 weeks down, 20 more (or less…) to go!  And what better way to commemorate making it this far than by reviewing some of my favorite “non-maternity” preggo threads from Stonewear Designs!  Even more fun, my fellow Stonewear Ambassador Amelia Mayer is ALSO pregnant (3 weeks ahead of me) and is ALSO blogging about her preggo faves today!  And between our 2 posts, our readers will have a chance to score some sweet Stonewear threads!  Amelia and I are built differently and are carrying differently, so it’s no wonder that…Read the rest of this entry →


Pregnancy Update: Weeks 12-18 (And the Gender Ultrasound!)

Pregnancy Update: Weeks 12-18 (And the Gender Ultrasound!)

While I’ve been pretty consistent about posting climbing trip reports, I’ve been relatively quiet about the daily ins and outs of my pregnancy with Baby #2.  Here’s a sum-up of how things have been going from a training perspective… Week 12:  I’m noticing that my body is taking longer and longer to recover from multiple days with high-intensity exercise (ie climbing trips.)  C started preschool again (twice a week in the mornings), which meant I got back into the routine of biking him there in the Chariot.  Depending on the route I take, it usually ends up being in the…Read the rest of this entry →


Fall at the New River Gorge – 17 Weeks Pregnant

Fall at the New River Gorge – 17 Weeks Pregnant

After rain, rain, and more rain botched our plans to head up to the New last weekend, a high of 70 without a cloud in the sky was a welcomed sight this weekend!  We had a rather large crew, with a wide range of ability levels and agendas, so the real crux of the weekend was figuring out where to go!  We ended up deciding on the Upper Meadow for Day 1, and Endless Wall for Day 2, which seemed to work out well – all parties involved sent a little, flailed a little, and of course laughed a lot!…Read the rest of this entry →


A Surprising Revelation About Running

A Surprising Revelation About Running

Now that cooler temps are here, I’ve come to a realization that perhaps I enjoy running more than I initially thought.  I’ve said before on this blog that I’ve never considered myself a “runner.”  I did a half-marathon once, a long time ago, but it wasn’t pretty – I was consistently running 15 miles or so per WEEK and found out about the local race two weeks prior.  Obviously, I was very ill-prepared and while I did in fact make it across the finish line, I was so sore I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards.  Not the smartest of…Read the rest of this entry →
