Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: baby #2

Obed, Tennessee Trip Report – 13 Weeks Pregnant

Obed, Tennessee Trip Report – 13 Weeks Pregnant

If I had a dollar for every time one of our crew said the word “manky” this weekend, I’d have plenty of money for a nice date-night dinner with the hubs.  For those of you that aren’t familiar with this highly technical term, “manky” is generally an accurate descriptor of summer climbing conditions in the Southeast.  The rock feels greasy, palms are sweaty, and chalked up holds feel like they are coated in a layer of slimy toothpaste.  Not to mention that smothering wet blanket of humidity Mother Nature tosses over your head while hiking in and out of the…Read the rest of this entry →


New River Gorge – 12 Weeks Pregnant

New River Gorge – 12 Weeks Pregnant

To celebrate my fading nausea from the 1st trimester, we decided to take advantage of some unseasonably fair weather at the New River Gorge, West Virginia.  With daytime temps hovering around 80 degrees, and nights dipping into the 50’s, their was a crispness in the air that was much more reminiscent of the beginnings of fall rather than the end of summer! I found that I had a mixed bag of emotions with this trip.  On the one hand, I’m feeling great – my energy is coming back, and the icky nausea is gone. Although I can clearly tell that…Read the rest of this entry →


1st Trimester Update – The Secret Weeks

1st Trimester Update – The Secret Weeks

I suppose in some ways, even “planned” babies are still a surprise…We’d been in the “not TRYING but not NOT trying” stage since the spring, so seeing two lines on a pregnancy test shouldn’t have been such a shock.  But I probably stared at those test results in utter disbelief before walking out of the bathroom and putting my harness  on (because of course I’d stopped to pick up a test on my way to the climbing gym…and then of course I couldn’t wait til I got home to take it…)  I won’t lie, my initial reaction involved a lot…Read the rest of this entry →


(Another) Baby on Board!!!!!!

(Another) Baby on Board!!!!!!

Yesterday I posted a picture on facebook that attracted quite a bit of attention.  It was a simple image – a hot dog bun inside of our oven.  But it represented a life change that will be anything but simple… That’s right folks, our crag-family is expanding once more!  I’m currently 11 weeks, and so far things have been going well.  I was blessed to have a happy, healthy, and by comparison to many, EASY pregnancy the first time around, so fingers crossed that number 2 will be as smooth. With C, I thankfully felt well enough to climb all…Read the rest of this entry →
