Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: babywearing

Crag Naps 101: Sleeping Tips for Outdoor Climbing Adventures

Crag Naps 101:  Sleeping Tips for Outdoor Climbing Adventures

During those early months, a baby can only be awake for so long before turning into a cranky pumpkin.  That’s why it’s no wonder that the number one way to ensure more outdoor climbing time is to figure out how to get your tiny bundle of joy to crag-nap effectively.  But that, of course, is easier said than done!  So for those of you who want to spend a family day at the crag but are intimidated by all of the sleeping logistics, read on… Some parts of a climbing day lend themselves to napping better than others, so use…Read the rest of this entry →


How the Boba 4G Makes Me Feel Like SuperMom!

How the Boba 4G Makes Me Feel Like SuperMom!

Some of you may remember that I reviewed the Boba 4G Carrier for toddler use last fall (find it here.)  And as good as it worked out for my then 3 year old, I’m happy to report that it is even better for my newborn little girl!  What makes it so great?  Let me count the ways… 1.  EASY IN/OUT – Once the straps are adjusted, I can easily get baby girl in and out of it all by myself.  When C was a newborn, I remember there being quite a learning curve with using the majority of our carriers…Read the rest of this entry →


The Newborn Days w/Baby #2 – Keeping Your Sanity the 1st Month

The Newborn Days w/Baby #2 – Keeping Your Sanity the 1st Month

Wow, just 6 short weeks ago I shared my last preggo update…10 days later I gave birth to a magical little girl, and today she is celebrating one month of life!  The past 4 weeks have been a whirlwind of eating, sleeping, and not sleeping…and showering every now and then.  Slowly but surely we’ve started to get into a groove with life as a family of four.  There have been a few key strategies and pieces of gear that have helped us find our stride, so I thought I’d share them… 1.  OLDER SIBLING ONE ON ONE TIME –  The…Read the rest of this entry →


Boba 4G Review (Toddler Version…)

Boba 4G Review (Toddler Version…)

Even though our little guy is not quite so little anymore (birthday number 4 coming up this spring!!!), I still regularly get questions about the best gear for infants.  And while we certainly had our go-to gear favorites when it came to adventuring with the crag-kiddo, the gear junkie in me is thrilled to try out the latest and greatest in infant outdoor gear!  (And as a side note, I’m shocked at all the stuff that is on the market NOW as opposed to just a few short years ago…) That being said, I’m very excited about the opportunity to…Read the rest of this entry →


Review: The Peekaru Fleece Baby Carrier Cover

Review: The Peekaru Fleece Baby Carrier Cover

I don’t make it a habit of “categorizing” people…I think there’s a thin line between stereotypes and prejudice.  But, that being said, I suppose if you had to categorize our family, we’d be pitching our tent in the attachment parenting camp more often than not.  We are still breastfeeding (without plans to stop any time soon), we cloth diaper, we spend our early morning hours co-sleeping, and Steve and I both are proud babywearers.  For those of you that aren’t familiar with babywearing, its just like it sounds – carrying a baby or toddler in a cloth carrier.  Babywearing allows…Read the rest of this entry →
