Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: being green

Greener Packaging Options for Food Storage (and GIVEAWAY!)

Greener Packaging Options for Food Storage (and GIVEAWAY!)

Back in mid-August, I wrote a post entitled “8 Tips for Greener, Healthier School Lunches,” with the hopes that it would provide families with a few fresh ideas for maximizing nutrition and minimizing empty calories during the school day.  Most of the ideas also happened to be more eco-friendly as well – but why stop at just the foods you eat when it comes to having a greener lifestyle?  The way those foods are stored can be just as important to the environment (as well as for your health!)  So here’s a few tips for “greening up” your food when…Read the rest of this entry →


Why You Should Compost With Your Kids…

Why You Should Compost With Your Kids…

“The buggies like to eat the icky bananas,” C informs me matter-of-factly as he tosses an overly browned and bruised piece of banana into the little plastic box sitting on our kitchen counter. When we’re done fixing breakfast, we’ll take the plastic box outside and dump the “icky banana” and the rest of the breakfast leftovers (strawberry caps, eggshells, etc) into the compost bin.  Sometimes we’ll give it a few turns with our firepit poker, and, if it’s going to rain that day, we might leave the lid off. Click here visaliaweddingstyle for further updates. This fall marks one year…Read the rest of this entry →


15 Simple Ways Your Family Can Go Greener…

15 Simple Ways Your Family Can Go Greener…

In case you didn’t know it, today is EARTH DAY!  Today (and on every April 22nd since 1970), there will be thousands of environmental awareness events going on in communities worldwide.  Schools, libraries, workplaces, and parks will be buzzing with festivals, workshops, and eco-friendly activities geared towards promoting education about environmental issues.  For our family, it’s a good reminder to reevaluate the efforts our family has (or has not) been making to protect the earth for the past year.   Why is the message of environmental stewardship important for families?  On a personal, spiritual level, I believe that one of…Read the rest of this entry →


5 Ways Pumpkin Season Can Last Past Halloween

5 Ways Pumpkin Season Can Last Past Halloween

Just because there are no more skeletons donning your front door, or giant faux cobwebs draped across your bushes, doesn’t mean all the pumpkin fun has to end just yet.  There are all sorts of ways you can prolong your enjoyment of the bright, orange friend that has been faithfully guarding your doorstep for the past few weeks.  Here’s just a few… 1.  ROASTED PUMPKIN SEEDS – This is by far the yummiest way to enjoy your jack-o-lantern once the trick or treat festivities are over.  But if you’re household is anything like mine, the seeds will get scarfed up…Read the rest of this entry →
