Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: bouldering

Climbing with a 5 month old (Reader Question from Megan D.)

Climbing with a 5 month old (Reader Question from Megan D.)

When it comes to logistics of climbing with young kiddos, I’ve written about every age in the 5 and under set, sometimes more than once. But as my kids are growing (sigh), it’s easy for those posts to get lost in the archives, especially the itty-bitty-baby ones. So I thought I’d try something different with a question I received recently from Megan D out of Seattle, WA, about getting back into climbing with her 5 month old.  As I was digging through old posts, I realized that it might not be a bad idea to share her question with the masses –…Read the rest of this entry →


Hound Ears Competition: Bouldering and an ER Visit

Hound Ears Competition: Bouldering and an ER Visit

With a title like that, I should probably start this weekend recap with a SPOILER ALERT: Everyone is fine!!!  That being said, our weekend in the mountains was filled with excitement of both the good and bad variety. For those of you not familiar with “Hound Ears,” it’s the site of the first of usually 3 (but this year 4!) legs of the Triple Crown Bouldering Series Competition.  The boulderfield, which in my opinion is one of the best in the region, is situated inside a private, gated community, so this competition is one of the few times during the…Read the rest of this entry →


Grayson Highlands State Park, aka “Why Nature is Good for the Soul”

Grayson Highlands State Park, aka “Why Nature is Good for the Soul”

Up until this past weekend it had been a record breaking 9 WEEKS since we’d been to the mountains for a family adventure.  Between beach trips, rainy weather, and various other obligations, we had somehow turned into gym rats over the summer.  We’ve done our best to squeeze in pockets of adventure here and there, but it’s just not the same as getting out and away from everyday life for a couple days at a time.   Which is why we were psyched last week to have secured climbing partners with a reasonable weather forecast in Grayson Highlands, VA.  But as the…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragmama’s Featured #KidCrushers Issue 3

Cragmama’s Featured #KidCrushers Issue 3

Last month’s edition of #Kidcrushers (found here) featured lots of bouldering crushers, some budding crack climbers, a newbie multi-pitcher, and even one head injury!  Three lucky winners were chosen to win a prize pack from Flapjacked.  This month the bar has been raised, and we’ve got some kiddos featured that can climb harder than many grown-ups I know!  We’ve also got a great prize from our friends at Clif, so without further adieu, here’s #KidCrushers, Issue #3… Here’s 13 year old Cathy K. tackling her FIRST TRAD LEAD (Cave Route, 5.4, at Table Rock, NC.)  She was part of a summer…Read the rest of this entry →


Bouldering Circuits: A Quickie Power Endurance Workout

Bouldering Circuits: A Quickie Power Endurance Workout

Thanks to a loving husband and a (for the most part) cooperative baby, I’ve been able to consistently get to the gym 2-3 times per week starting around 2 weeks postpartum.  But when I go and how much time I have is always up in the air.  Sometimes I know up front that I only have 45 minutes to acquire a good pump…other times I go in thinking I have an hour and a half, only to have my workout cut short by a screaming baby.  If efficiency was an important component to my climbing workouts with just one kiddo,…Read the rest of this entry →
