Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Carolina Guidebook

In the Name of Climbing…er, Research!

In the Name of Climbing…er, Research!

This weekend’s mission was all about guidebook research…and by research I mean lots of climbing.  On Saturday Steve, Cragbaby and I met up with knowledgeable local Eddy Ramirez, who was kind enough to give us a tour of some of the lesser traveled areas of Crowders Mountain – namely the Resurgance Walls.  While sitting at home writing about climbing can get tedious at times, the cooler temps and low humidity levels have made my “research missions” a delightful escape.  As if I’m not already motivated enough to explore my new local crag, Crowders is probably the one area out of…Read the rest of this entry →


The Good, The Bad, The Ugly…and a new Facebook Group.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly…and a new Facebook Group.

Our original weekend plans included a climbing trip to Boone, but unfortunately Mother Nature had other plans.  With all of our family travels and such it had been almost a month since we’d gotten outdoors climbing, so we were definitely itching to get out.  But because the forecast was so sketch, we ended up just staying in town and climbing locally at Hidden Wall.  Considering the weather reports from friends in other parts of the state, it seems like it was the better choice, although conditions were still mediocre at best. Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly… THE…Read the rest of this entry →


Latest Cragmama Buzz

Latest Cragmama Buzz

Cragmama’s been recieving a lot of cyber-buzz around the web these days, enough so that I felt like it was important to keep track of all Cragmama “press” in one spot so it can be referred to as a resource.  Hence, the birth of the “Media” page at the top of the site – feel free to check it out from time to time if you want the latest in Cragmama news outside of this site! I just recently have had the opportunity to start writing for PembaServes, a consulting company that represents various brands in the Outdoor Industry.  My first piece was for their…Read the rest of this entry →
