Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: climbing gym

Climb Time for the Whole Family (What Works for Us!)

Climb Time for the Whole Family (What Works for Us!)

It’s my theory that eavesdropping on a family’s Sunday night dinner conversation is one of the quickest ways to figure out what’s most important to that family.  The weekend is over and everyone is setting their sights onto a new week, planning out the logistics of who’s doing what, when and how.  Which activities/events are the first up for discussion?  You know, those things that you want to MAKE time for, despite how busy you are?  Each family’s discussion will be different of course, but the logistical conversations are often the same – how to make sure ______ gets to…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragmama’s Featured #KidCrushers – Round 1

Cragmama’s Featured #KidCrushers – Round 1

A couple of weeks ago I sent out an “all call” for parents to send in inspiring photos of their children gettin’ it done on the rocks.  The response was amazing! Within just a few days time, my email inbox and instagram feed was overflowing with shots of some outrageously cool kids. Don’t believe me?  Check’em out for yourself! Here’s 11 year old Jacob M. from Charlotte, NC seconding his way up Hidden Cracks (5.7) at Table Rock, NC. And 7 year old Ella R. recently took to the sharp end for her first lead on Pro-wire (5.5) in Guadalest, Spain…Read the rest of this entry →


Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

Cragbaby Turns 2!!! (and a GIVEAWAY from Clif Kid!!!)

I know it probably sounds cliche, but I also know that every parent knows exactly what I’m talking about – it’s so hard to believe he’s already 2!  Where did the time go?  All those days functioning on 2 hours of sleep, the all-night nursing buffets, hours of daily chores performed wearing a snuggly baby wrapped up close to my heart – some of those days seemed to literally crawl by, yet here we are, celebrating C’s 2 year birthday…So many memories, so many firsts (and lasts), it would be easy to get kinda down about my baby growing up, except that…Read the rest of this entry →
