Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: environment

Why You Should Compost With Your Kids…

Why You Should Compost With Your Kids…

“The buggies like to eat the icky bananas,” C informs me matter-of-factly as he tosses an overly browned and bruised piece of banana into the little plastic box sitting on our kitchen counter. When we’re done fixing breakfast, we’ll take the plastic box outside and dump the “icky banana” and the rest of the breakfast leftovers (strawberry caps, eggshells, etc) into the compost bin.  Sometimes we’ll give it a few turns with our firepit poker, and, if it’s going to rain that day, we might leave the lid off. Click here visaliaweddingstyle for further updates. This fall marks one year…Read the rest of this entry →
