Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: fit pregnancy

Third Trimester Update: (Weeks 33-38!)

Third Trimester Update: (Weeks 33-38!)

Woo-hoo, any day now!  The nursery is (mostly) ready, there’s a few meals in the freezer, and I am certainly tired of being pregnant…so baby Z, the ball’s in your court now!  Here’s the skinny (that’s a joke since I am definitely large as a barge at this point ;)) on how exercise has been going lately…(previous updates found here, here, here, and here.) Week 33:  This has been a surprisingly strong week.  I cranked out a hard route at the gym after just a couple of tries and beta refinement.  Then on Monday we spent a day craggin’ at…Read the rest of this entry →


Pregnancy Workouts for Rock Climbers

Pregnancy Workouts for Rock Climbers

Although many women are capable of climbing all the way through their pregnancy, I’ll give a million dollars to the one who didn’t have to change her routine in at least some way (that was an exaggeration by the way…there’s not a giveaway widget at the end of this post 😉 ).   Climbing while pregnant takes on a totally different mindset and end goal than pre-preggo crushing.  The following is a list of workout ideas geared toward climbers that will hopefully keep not just a mama-to-be strong, happy, and healthy, but also increase the likelihood that the bun in…Read the rest of this entry →


Mountain Mama Review Collage – 3rd Trimester

Mountain Mama Review Collage – 3rd Trimester

At 24 weeks I reviewed my collection of Mountain Mama threads that had so generously been provided to me by Teresa Delfin and her awesome niche company.  As promised, I’ve written an updated version now that I’m in the latter stages of pregnancy.  Also reviewed are some new clothing items that I hadn’t received yet at the time of my 2nd trimester review.   Update from 2nd Trimester Threads:  (For a more thorough description of each piece, check out the 2nd trimester review here) Tenaya V-Neck Eco Tee and Anya Performance Tee – These tees have both grown with me over the past…Read the rest of this entry →


Pregnancy Update from the Third Trimester (Weeks 27-32)

Pregnancy Update from the Third Trimester (Weeks 27-32)

If you’ve been following this blog for the past few months. you’ve probably read my exercising and pregnancy updates every 6-8 weeks or so.  (Past updates can be found here, here, and here.)  The purpose of these updates is not to brag about what I CAN do or complain about what I CAN’T do, but rather share my experiences, in the hopes that another mama-to-be out there might find them useful, helpful, or inspiring.  That being said, here’s how things have been going in the third trimester so far… Week 27:  Weather has been cold and rainy, so it’s been…Read the rest of this entry →


Holiday Crankin’ at Rocky Face Park – 30 Weeks Pregnant

Holiday Crankin’ at Rocky Face Park – 30 Weeks Pregnant

It’s not every day that our family gets to try explore a new climbing area within a day’s drive.  Our original plan for a midweek holiday climbing escape involved local rock at Crowders Mountain.  But when my friend Tonya, (who happens to be 32 weeks pregnant herself), suggested a day trip to a “new” area that’s been getting a fair amount of buzz recently, our ears perked up.  When we saw that it was just under an hour and a half away and that the approach time was literally ZERO, it was music to our preggo ears!  Much more enticing…Read the rest of this entry →
