Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: focus

Setting Your Mind: From a Toddler’s Perspective

Setting Your Mind:  From a Toddler’s Perspective

 “You can do anything you set your mind to.” Benjamin Franklin said it first, but it’s been said millions (and probably billions) of times since then.  It’s one of those inspirational, “action phrases.”  Teachers say it to their students to motivate them to aim high, and parents whisper it to their children to encourage them to dream big.  I’m sure we’ve all heard someone say it to us at some point, and in turn, I’m sure we’ve all said it to someone else.   It’s also the phrase that immediately popped into my head when I saw this picture.  Some…Read the rest of this entry →


Life Lessons Learned on a Slackline

Life Lessons Learned on a Slackline

A slackline is really an interesting idea.  Very popular amongst the climbing community, and more or less unknown to everyone else.  The concept is quite simple in theory – picture a circus with a tightrope walker high above the spectators, hands out to the sides, balancing her way across the rope to the other side.  Now, take out the “tight” part and picture the same person walking across a piece of webbing about an inch wide, as the webbing sags low underneath their weight and wobbles from side to side.  Welcome to the curious world of slacklining. Invented by a…Read the rest of this entry →
