Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Gear I Love

Best Kid’s Rain Boots: MyMayu! (and GIVEAWAY!)

Best Kid’s Rain Boots: MyMayu! (and GIVEAWAY!)

Those of you that have been reading for a while may recall a picture I posted during our big snowstorm (yes, singular) this past winter.  The picture was of my then 11 month old daughter, and she was wearing her brother’s gloves on her feet, for lack of winter boots.  A couple of weeks later, she scored an awesome pair of Muddy Munchkin Toddler Play boots of her very own from MyMayu! Unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to use them in the snow this season, but we’ve had a hefty PLENTY of wet weather testing opportunities, in both cold and…Read the rest of this entry →


The Perfect Hand-Me-Down: 3 Kids and 1 Down Suit

The Perfect Hand-Me-Down: 3 Kids and 1 Down Suit

Before I became pregnant with my first child, I was blessed to have some like-minded friends who were just phasing out of the life stage we were just getting ourselves into.  Their then-toddler would be their last child, and they were actually preparing to move to Germany…which meant our family was one of the many to benefit from their infant outdoor gear archives! We scored bigtime in the clothing and shoe department, most of which at this point has either been worn into the ground or given to other families of outdoorsy little boys who like to play in the mud.  However,…Read the rest of this entry →


Petzl MACCHU + BODY = Perfect Climbing Harness for Growing Kids (and GIVEAWAY!)

Petzl MACCHU + BODY = Perfect Climbing Harness for Growing Kids (and GIVEAWAY!)

It’s been a little over a year since Big C began to “for real” climb on our family outings.  While he’s still a little hit or miss in the outdoor realm (sometimes there’s not a suitable route for him to try, other times it’s more fun to dig in the dirt than put his harness on), I’ve made it a point to try and get him to the climbing gym at least once a week.  We don’t stay long – usually no more than 45 minutes or so, and that includes gearing up and down, and getting Baby Z situated…Read the rest of this entry →


The New Tenaya Tarifa is Here!

The New Tenaya Tarifa is Here!

I’ve found a new favorite shoe.  It’s called the Tenaya Tarifa.  It. Is. Awesome.  This shoe takes the term “versatility” to a whole new level.  It really can do it ALL…and comfortably! Let me back up a bit.  I first got a crack at these shoes a little over a month ago.  Although the addition of a 4th family member caused me to take a step back from working events and demos for the time being, the folks at Trango/Tenaya thankfully still love me enough to send me a care package of their newest products for fall – most notably,…Read the rest of this entry →


If Babywearing Was Like Car Shopping…A Comparison Post

If Babywearing Was Like Car Shopping…A Comparison Post

Over the past 4.5 years I’ve logged a lot of mileage with tiny people on my back, front, and shoulders (and in my belly for that matter, but that’s a different post entirely!)  I’ve worn a baby everywhere from weddings to pools to mountaintops (but never while climbing…which is what so many insane misinformed people tend to assume…)  Babywearing has been something near and dear to my heart for so many reasons.  Along with a laundry list of physical/emotional benefits, it’s arguably one of the best ways to bond with baby…and hands down the easiest way to get things done…Read the rest of this entry →
