Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: Moms that Rock

Interview with a Mentor: Christine Millbern

Interview with a Mentor: Christine Millbern

I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on my last interview with Aimee Roseborrough – I think its definitely safe to say that this segment of my blog is definitely worth continuing!  Today’s interview is with someone who in some ways I consider to be the “Original Cragmama.”  Christine Millbern was the first woman I ever saw climbing while pregnant, and her family was the first I ever saw take a baby to the crag.  I always loved running into them out at the crag, and we had the pleasure of taking several trips with their family – it was obvious that their whole family…Read the rest of this entry →


An Interview: Aimee Roseborrough

An Interview: Aimee Roseborrough

Since the start of Cragmama, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to cross paths with several strong and amazing women – women who are not content to settle for the status quo of abandoning adventure at the first sign of an expanding belly.  Women who are committed to getting not just themselves but their whole families outside enjoying nature – whether its climbing, biking, hiking, or building treehouses!  So I’ve decided to start a new section on my blog dedicated to all the mamas out there who believe that starting a family doesn’t mean an end to outdoor fun.  Interviews with Moms that Rock will be a place…Read the rest of this entry →
