Cragmama "Not all who wander are lost…" JRR Tolkien

Tag Archives: nature craft ideas

Green Hour Craft Project: Bio-degradable Bird Feeder!

Green Hour Craft Project:  Bio-degradable Bird Feeder!

Cragbaby and I are always looking for new craft ideas involving nature, so when I stumbled across this idea on this website, I knew it would be loads of fun for both me and C as well as the feathered friends that hang out by our kitchen window.  We decided to do it on a whim, which was perfectly fine since all the materials are stuff we had lying around the house anyway.   It was a pretty even division of labor.  C took on the task of eating the insides of the orange while I poked and threaded the…Read the rest of this entry →


3 Ideas for Preserving Family Beach Memories

3 Ideas for Preserving Family Beach Memories

In a previous post about our family’s beach trip this past summer, I mentioned that we brought a few seashells home with us.  Well that might have been an understatement considering that our stash still has leftovers after multiple craft projects and some garden accents.  I had initially wanted to wait until we had used up all of our seashells to post, but what with school starting and the perfect fall weather we’ve been having, it makes more sense to put indoor craft time on the back burner for a little while.  (Holiday gift ideas, anyone?)  That being said, all 3…Read the rest of this entry →


Green Hour Connection: Swept Away with Broomstick Fun!

Green Hour Connection:  Swept Away with Broomstick Fun!

To my delight Cragbaby has discovered a love for housekeeping.  I’m not sure where he got that gene from, because both his Mommy and his Daddy are scarcely cleaner than dirty hippies, but I won’t question it.  His favorite cleaning apparatus is the broom, or in his words, the “bwuh, bwuh” and he is ranked as a top cleaner  in the family now.” So the other morning, while hanging out on a blanket underneath our oak trees, searching for cicada shells (another favorite pasttime, more on that here), a light bulb went off in my head – why not celebrate…Read the rest of this entry →
